Friday, February 26, 2010

No more "summit" talk...

I've never been a fan of Bill O'Reilly.  I think he's a fence-sitter and arrogant.  While Glenn Beck can sometimes strike folks as a bit over the top, at least he has passion and  tries to be respectful to those who have differing opinions.  If Joseph Klein is right that O'Reilly gave Obama high marks for that headache inducing waste of time yesterday, well - boo on him. 

We all know the purpose of the summit was to try and make republicans look bad.  I think the Obama strategy backfired badly. However, the attention span of the American people (those that even bothered to watch), is short and shallow. 

If you read some of the comments on Obama's website (no link on purpose), you will see over 800 comments from people that think he sounded and looked brilliant - even though the majority of the MSM, of all people, thinks he and his minions looked pretty incompetent.

Realize this:  Obama, as a true narcissist, thinks he did great and will move ahead with any means necessary to pass this horrible bill.  The less time we spend hashing over every little nuance of yesterday's political theater, the more time we'll have to call our representatives and senators. 

Obama Enjoyed Hearing Himself Talk at Health Care Summit
by Joseph Klein
Bill O’Reilly must be angling for an interview at the White House with President Obama because he gave Obama high marks for his handling of the health care summit yesterday.  I watched most of it and saw a pedantic, petulant, arrogant Obama who spoke for 119 minutes – nine minutes more than the 110 minutes that all 17 Republicans took to make their statements.  When added to the time taken by the Democratic congressional spokespersons, the Obamacare supporters consumed a whopping 233 minutes. read the rest


Fuzzy Slippers said...

Exactly right. Just saw on Cavuto some random dem cong saying that they are just waiting to "see if anything percolates" before (I'm sure) pushing forward without rep support. That "anything" they're waiting to see percolate is not the reps in Congress, it's public opinion. BO thinks he did such a wonderful job that everyone is suddenly going to change their minds and start marching and working FOR that healthcare monstrosity. What a n00b!

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Adrienne, when are you going to stop dealing with facts? Of course you are right about O'Reilly- face it he is only a CINO looking of rthe Lamestream media and the democrats to love him.

Greasywrench AKA rich b said...

Off Topic maybe but... Is it just me that seems to notice O'Reilly has an underlying jealousy problem with Glenn Beck. It's just below the surface but it's there when O'Reilly does some facetime and interviews on Friday with Beck. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that O'Reilly has a monster ego.

Adrienne said...

Greasy - You're not off topic because it plays into a lot of what Bill O'R says and does. My husband just found a video of O'R from awhile ago with him going batshit and swearing up a storm. He definitely has a monster ego.

Adrienne said...

Agnes - silly me. Since no one is around to slap me upside the head, I'll just take a few runs at the wall - head first!! heh

Adrienne said...

Fuzzy - noob?? Had to go look that up in the urban dictionary. PERFECT!!!

Anne Rettenberg LCSW said...

According to an article in The New York Times, we wouldn't be in this mess if we'd taken action a long time ago:
"The Commonwealth Fund estimates that the nation would be spending hundreds of billions of dollars less than it does today if any of the health care legislation proposed by previous administrations had been enacted, assuming that they reduced costs by about 1.5 percentage points. If President Nixon’s plan had passed, the United States might be spending a trillion dollars a year less than it does now, and President Clinton’s plan would have reduced spending by some $500 billion a year."