Sunday, January 31, 2010

Discovering Blogging/A Path to Hell

Hi everyone.  I'm showing one of dinner guests how easy it is to set up a blog and actually post something.  Hang tight for a picture...

Wow - you too can waste your entire life sitting in front of your computer.  The gates of hell are opening and are is sucking my friend in - feet first...


Amusing Bunni said...

You're a great friend Adrienne! I love that kitteh.

Dawn said...

how true...

Mary Ellen said...

Tell your friend to run away! Run away! Blogging is dangerous for your health...just ask my bathroom scale that groans and "tsks tsks" me for sitting on my derriere every morning instead of going for a run like I used to. Run away! 8O

Mary Ellen said...

Oh...and I LOVE that kitty picture! :-D

MightyMom said...

now, you know.....trying to drown a kitten in the bathroom sink just to show someone how to upload pictures really isn't considered nice.....


hubby sucked me in 2 1/2 years ago.....1,097 posts later........wasn't I headed to the gym about 20 mins ago???

Adrienne said...

Bunni - leading someone to the gates of hell and pulling open the door is not what a traditional friend should be doing. On the other hand, she'll have great company...

All kittehs are cute...

Adrienne said...

Dawn - sigh

Adrienne said...

Mary Ellen - every morning?? There are days when I'm still in my robe at bedtime and my eyes are bugged out of my head from sitting here for 14 straight hours.

Adrienne said...

MM - so funny! We missed our gym time this morning while I was doing a post. To be fair I did sleep late...