Monday, November 9, 2009


I want to thank the Bishop's of the Catholic Church for being instrumental in the passing of the Stupak Amendment, if for no other reason than it gave the progressives of this country heart burn.  The dems look like a bunch of sell-outs and it also makes it more unlikely that this  bill will pass the Senate.


Jennifer said...

I hate the Puffington Host. But it's always good to see what the other side is up to! And the PuffHo is a great place to start.

Mark D. said...

Thanks for posting this! I've got a link up over on my blog letting my readers know about all this stuff you've collected here. Thanks again for the good work!

MightyMom said...

quite interesting isn't it? doncha love it that this one admenment has now made PP work against the bill as a whole??

Austringer said...

One of the stories linked there, "Assault on women's reproductive rights continues with a vengeance", contains the amazing phrase, "Women don't expect to have an unintended pregnancy..." -- whuhh? Ya mean having sex might lead to pregnancy??? Who knew!!!

Unknown said...

"Reproductive rights" is a euphemism for "the right to kill your unborn child."

"Euphemism" (from Wikipedia): "a substitution of an agreeable or less offensive expression in place of one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the listener,[1] or to make it less troublesome for the speaker . . . The deployment of euphemisms is a central aspect within the public application of political correctness."

Tracy said...

thanks for posting this!

commoncents said...

Great Post! I really like your blog!!

Jennifer said...


No kidding huh? Me and my husband still havn't figured out why I keep getting pregnant.....:)

Austringer said...


Once, on an atheist forum, I was engaged in some debate on the subject of abortion. The particular flavor of atheism they subscribed to (Ayn Rand's Objectivism) is all for abortion. I was seeking to argue against it using non-religious arguments (to use any religious reference at all results in geting kicked off of the forum, I had discovered previously). I had made the point that the purpose of sex was procreation. This, believe it or not, was fervently denied!!!I then asked if Objectivists believed, in common with some primitive forest tribes, that pregnancy was caused by bathing in a river. I was kicked off.....

Adrienne said...

Austie - That's actually a pretty funny story.

Don't worry about Jennifer. After reading her comment I immediately called her, first to find out if she was really pregnant, and second to tell her what was causing it. She is (yeah) and now she knows the truth, too...She's going to explain it all to her hubby as soon as he gets home.

Mark in Spokane said...

The Stupak Amendment puts the Democrats in a real bind. If they keep it, they risk losing their more fanatical pro-abortion members when it comes time to vote for the Health Care Bill. If that happens, they lose. But if the Democrat leadership cuts out the Stupak Amendment, then the pro-life Democrats will walk, leaving the Democrats without enough votes to pass the bill. This is a catch-22 for the Democrats. It will be interesting to see how this develops.

Smiley said...

Why do you think the bill will not pass the senate?

Mary Ellen said...

Sorry I couldn't get here sooner.

I was so pleased that the Stupak amendment made it through, but oh...since then the hatred for Catholics that I hear on the cable news stations has been unbearable. I was resting on my sofa and flipping through channels and saw that guy who comes on after Morning Joe (some financial guy...can't remember his name). Anyway, he had someone from NARAL on who was all incensed over the Stupak amendment and then there was another woman (can't remember her name) who was defending it. The host of the show would not allow the woman defending pro-life speak. He kept telling her to be quiet and allowed the pro-abortion gal speak. Then he called the pro-life woman a liar and told her not to come on his show if he was going to spread lies! I couldn't believe was so blatant! He would not allow her to get a sentence out...not one. It was disgusting.

Adrienne said...

Smiley - for the reasons Mark in Spokane wrote on the comment right above yours.

Adrienne said...

Mary Ellen - Our culture has become cruder and more divisive in the last year than in the past 50 years. I'm finding it disgusting.

We have been on a rapid down hill slide since the 60's and soon the people such as moi, will be gone. "They", the people driven and informed by the Evil One, will re-write history and people will think this is "normal" behavior.

That is really what this is all about - the battle for souls. Mine's not for sale...