Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Must Read and a Note on Linking

A Look at Your Future:
Don't cry for me, America


A note about my new link policy:

About a week ago, a blog that was prominently featured on my side bar, posted the photo of Obama bowing to the Saudi King Abdullah.  However, the photo had been "shopped" so that the head of Obama was bouncing up and down to make it appear he was performing an unnatural sex act on the king.

While we are all guilty of fun with our Photoshop programs, and often play fast and loose with our words, in my opinion this picture had crossed the line.  When something shocks me, it must be pretty bad.  After giving it some thought, I removed their link from my site. 

 Due to the high quality of their articles, American Thinker is one of my first stops each morning.  Their writers do not find it necessary to delve into the "dark side" to attract readers.  There is a fine line between  humor and smut and also a big difference between calling Obama a "loon" and a f*cking a**hole.  Lately I've noticed the folks on the right getting just as smutty as the left usually is. I can be as guilty as the next person and vow to clean up my own act. 

From American Thinker: 


Mark D. said...

Good for you! I try to write my own blog in such a way that if my wife or mom read it, I wouldn't be embarassed or ashamed. While taking the low road can sometimes seem like the right thing to do in the short run, it never is. Dignity and a civil tone are important. One of the things that conservatives are called to do is defend the Permanent Things, to defend a decent civic order. That can't happen if conservatives are happy to troll around in the mud...

Amusing Bunni said...

Hi Adrianne! I agree, there is no need to get smutty when describing obummer and company. A little well placed snark goes a long way.

I love American Thinker too, always the best, well thought out articles. Esp. Robin of Berkley, the psychiatrist who has diagnosed the many maladies of obama to a tee.
Thanks for following my blog, I've returned the favor.

Homestay Mama said...

When I see the 'right' start speaking/writing like the 'left,' I withdraw. Good new policy, Adrienne. It's always best to stay on the high road.

Adrienne said...

Hi Homestay - I see you had a wonderful and relaxing vacation. I'm jealous! I'm going with you next time!!

Mrsupole said...

Sometimes it is hard to not react the same way as the other side.

The left side usually tries to keep the right side off balance. The far left count on the conservatives to take the moral high road, something they refuse to or cannot do. The moral high road is the right road to take, and so it is sad when the conservatives sometimes lapse in their beliefs.

That photo would qualify as distasteful, and sadly it is probably nothing compared to some of the things done to conservatives by the far left. Very sad that things like this happen on either side. There is a fine line between what is distasteful and what is not.

Maybe some day both sides will treat each other with respect, but I am not going to hold my breath that the far left will ever do this, while most conservatives already do.

God bless.