Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Linky Love and Ribs...

In an attempt to get a modicum of work done, I must quickly give you the low down on the best places to visit.

Amusing Bunni has the best Climategate coverage this morning.

Track-o'Crat's Healthcare, Defined is a must read.

Counting the blessings of American Medicine by John Olson in the Seattle Times puts a bit of prespective on all the medical bashing going on in our country.  H/T Real Clear Politics

LarryD tells us how stupid the Post Office really is: Santa Claus Given His Walking Papers.  Is this the same Post Office that ended up 2.8, or was it 3.8 billion dollars, in the hole???

Victor Davis Hanson: Candid Camera Moments contains today's money quote:
[...]"So far, the affability of the president has offset the unpopularity of his agenda and kept his positive ratings between 45 percent and 55 percent in various polls. But when the public gets a whiff of the nasty fraudulence of the global-warming cadre, the Chicago-style villainy of ACORN, and reset-button diplomacy reduced to photogenic groveling, it hurts the president where he needs to be the strongest — if he is to push America hard to the left, where it doesn't seem to wish to go."  read the entire article

Mark in Spokane is spending his day contemplating eating a whole bunch of turkey God and all the things he is thankful for...

Doug Ross (a true gentleman and scholar)  stopped laughing long enough to give us his run down on Global Warming.     I can't even begin to type out his title - you'll have to go and see for yourselves.

A special Thanksgiving wish for Stacy McCain and his loyal and hardworking co-blogger, Smitty. Both of these gentlemen are unfailingly polite and helpful to all their many fans (except the ones who cross them - which as a card-carrying Italian, I understand perfectly!)

Something fun and uplifting:

I recived an email yesterday from famed author, Katie Alender (who knows all about commas but can't spell horror - heh).  She gave me a link to her equally over-achieving husband, CEO of Soapbox , and winner of one of last years Webby Awards for The Muppet's Ode to Joy video.

Be one the first to see his brand new video, Bohemian Rhapsody. Let's help this go viral!!!

Now I must run and put my baby back ribs in to marinate. Yep, that's right!  We're having baby back ribs for Thanksgiving. 

Comments are getting stuck in the queue for some reason.

So to Track - you're always welcome to share our ribs
Mary Ellen - I can't even read your whole comment but I get the drift and Happy Thanksgiving to you, too,  You bring us all much joy!


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Adrienne, Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Oooooow, I love baby back ribs, so hope I'm a gonna git some tomorrow...

Amusing Bunni said...

Adrienne! Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed my post on ClimateGate! There's lots of cool links on it and a fun video.
I hope you and your Family have a Wonderful Thanksgiving.
Ribs sound pretty good on Thanksgiving! Enjoy.

Joe said...

Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Mark D. said...

Thanks, Adrienne. Have a happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the ribs! Lots to be thankful for this year, no question!
