Friday, October 23, 2009

"Hate" Crimes Bill & A Must Read!

By tacking the hate crimes bill onto a defense bill, the elites in Washington were able to get it passed.  And there is no doubt Obama will sign it. If the bill was so important and so worthy, it should have been made to stand on its own, not slipped through by means of subterfuge.

The potential for abuse in prosecuting people under such a law is staggering. Exactly how do you define when someone committed a specific act driven by hatred?  Will the police or courts take the word of  friends of the perpetrator that he used the word fag or dyke on more than one occasion?  And what about the person who is called a filthy heterosexual while being robbed and beaten? Will they receive the same considerations by the court?  I think not.  Which means that the bill is actually creating an inequality. As for me - the next time I rob a bank, I'll be sure to go to the white teller and not the black one.

A Must Read

I stole this over at Abbey-Roads, who stole it from Father Longenecker ( and had the audacity to even give it a new title.)  Thank goodness they're both white. 

The Agenda...

(Retitled from Fr. Longenecker's "The Slippery Slope: How Satan spreads his lies")
1. Natural Law is ignored, undermined or made to look stupid by particular instances where it seems not apply.
2. Subsequently religious and civil authorities have their laws questioned because they are 'too strict' too 'black and white', 'unworkable' or 'lacking in compassion'.

3. Relativism is therefore introduced. An understanding gradually grows that 'there are no objective rule' that apply to all people at all times.

4. Individualism is the next step. 'I guess I have to decide what is right for me in my situation.'

5. Sentimentalism: People who live in a sinful situation demand that they not be judged. They deserve compassion and understanding. They are nice people really...but they have a problem. They're sick. They're wounded. Who are you to judge?

6. Dialogue is demanded. "You need to listen to us and to our stories. Then you will understand we are just like you."

7. Once sympathy is won, the goalposts are moved. Now they are not 'sick' or 'wounded' they're just 'different'. They expect to be accepted despite their 'differences'.

8. Equal rights are expected by those who are acting against God's law. "We are not asking you to approve us. We are simply asking you to tolerate a difference of opinion. Simply allow us to be who we are!"

9. Equal rights are demanded. Legislation and lobbying and protests are now in order. The pressure group for sin starts to get aggressive. They do so out of 'hurt' and 'woundedness.' Once they get their 'rights' (they claim) they will be happy and won't be so aggressive.

10. Tolerance being won, they will not stop. They now demand not only that you tolerate, but that you approve. They've moved from being 'sick' or 'wounded' or 'disabled' by their condition to tolerance, and now they proclaim their condition to be 'good'. As Thomas More was not allowed to remain silent on the King's 'great matter' but had to approve, so the presssure group insists on approval.

11. What was once tolerated now becomes mandatory. Society must integrate the new morality into every level--right down to schools and churches and scout groups. Everyone must adopt the new morality or suffer.

12. Persecution of those who resist.

13. Devil's real happy. -
This process happens on an individual level, a family level, a community level and a societal level. The bigger the level the longer it takes, and for it to take effect at the societal, community and family level it must first work on the individual level.

This means you and I must watch for the signs in our own moral life and be alert. Any of us can go down this path, and any of us may be victims of those who are already well down the path of evil and darkness.  
Thank you, Fr. Longenecker

Father L. has a number of excellent books he has written. With Christmas coming up, you may want to consider one of his books as a gift...


Social Conservatives Blast Hate-Crime Bill, Saying It Will Limit Free Speech

At my "happy squishy" blog:

 Adrienne dePitera: Feeling Rich Friday


Mary Ellen said...

Why isn't abortion a hate crime? Or do you have to call the baby a derogatory name before you kill it first? Something tells me that isn't in the bill.

Dad29 said...

What was once tolerated now becomes mandatory. Society must integrate the new morality into every level--right down to schools and churches and scout groups. Everyone must adopt the new morality or suffer.

Persecution of those who resist

Stay thy hand, fair damsel.....or better yet, start stocking up on .30-06 ammo. A couple of hundred cases should do.

Joe said...

His argument is completely invalid. The slippery slope is a fallacy. On top of that, every single premise could be challenged.

Lynne said...

The blueprint is here...

"My wife, Clare, who has an unerring aptitude for getting to the heart of things, said one day recently in passing, "I think everybody's being brainwashed." That gave me a start. I know "brainwashing" is a term that has been used and overused. But my wife's casual observation only reminded me of a brilliant tract I had read several years ago and then forgotten. It was called After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 1990's, by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen."