In my previous post I mentioned that:
There comes a time when we must step back and do some "dot connecting", which is what I am busy doing whilst mindlessly sorting screws and nails in my hardware box. Sorting flotsam and jetsam is a great activity for focusing and one gets to reap the benefits of a little additional organization. Several kitchen drawers have already been cleaned and spiffed up and I'm headed for my office "in box." That will be followed by the stack of carp on top of the file cabinet that needs to filed. If I'm not through with the thinking process, the craft stuff is in great danger of becoming my next move.
I've been thinking so much and so hard that my in-box is empty, the carp is off the file cabinet, and has been filed. In fact, the entire four drawer full suspension file cabinet is empty and is headed to a new home. My craft closet is completely rearranged, as well as my office.
Several huge bags of old papers await the burn barrel, and many huge bags headed to the trash can. So glad we rent one of those big green monsters with the little wheels (that leave cute little tracks in our gravel drive) from the trash company. I love to watch the arm swoop out, grab it up, and dump it. I am sooooo easily amused.
Now how's that for hard thinking??
Mark in Spokane is thinking about a name change for his blog. Please go over and lend a hand. He's on about the fourth day of his "new eating regimen" and I think he's getting light headed.
Smitty (be still my beating heart) over at The Other McCain, is playing catch up with his famous Full Metal Jacket Wrap Around (whew - that's a mouthful), and it's a humdinger. Enough to keep you busy for quite awhile. Someplace Smitty explained how he performs these feats of linky love and the explanation went on and on. Ever so often a recognizable word such as Excel would pop up. It was so great when I finished reading it I said, "Huh??" Honest to gosh, it like reading German.
The Blog Prof has some velly, velly interesting information about Amnesty International.
Over at A Bit of Blarney, GrandmaK (Cathy) has a most excellent post, The Dignity of Life. It is elegantly simple and simply elegant.
Prayer Request
Our Parochial Vicar and pastor of the church where I attend Mass entered the hospital today with symptoms of a stroke. Father Colman Nolan is soon to be 81 years old and can still think circles around most whippersnappers.
I personally like the title placard. Perhaps that's the problem with the world! They're not HEARING the words right[correctly]! This was grand!!! Thank you! And for you visit I thank you as well! Cathy
bring your thinkin' self on over to my house! I got stuff for you to think through!!!
I got a bed or two needs digging and one in terrible need of weeding too hahaha.
Nice post Adrianne and I'll sure pray for your vicar!
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