Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pro Life vs Pro Death


Pro-Life College Students Meet in Washington After Nationwide Walk on Abortion


Three female walkers were stopped immediately before entering the park by a male ranger who said they would not be permitted to continue unless they changed out of their pro-life t- shirts. The shirts are solid colors with the words "Pro- Life" emblazoned on the front.

Nolan (James Nolan, president and chief counsel of Crossroads Pro-Life) said the ranger said pro-abortion people in the park might find the shirts offensive.

After getting legal help, the walkers were eventually allowed to continue.

read the entire article at LifeNews

What these young people discovered is how pro-life this country really is. Remember pro-choice means pro-abortion. You can't declare "I personally think abortion is wrong but I support a woman's right to choose." That is insanity.

Photograph of right wing wacko terrorist anti-American Nazi fascist dissenters.

Scary Picture Warning: Not suitable for the faint of heart...

Picture and H/T to A Shepherd's Voice