- End employer mandated insurance. The individual should be the owner of his own coverage. It is ridiculous for employers to be overseeing your health care.
- Remove government mandates from current policies which drive up costs.
- Remove government restrictions on the sale of insurance to allow for true competition.
- Insurance should return to the original concept of insuring against catastrophe, with patients paying out of pocket for everyday medical expenses.
- Tort reform
- Allow Medicare and Medicaid to be phased out over time.
Does no one else see how just plain weird this is all is? We have a bunch of ignorant, overpaid elitist snobs running around in Washington arguing about how you will receive your health care. By my estimates, we have close to 50% of the people in this country thinking this is "normal." This is not normal; this is more like crawling down Alice's hole and dancing with the gerbils.
I've also become tired of not saying some of the things that need to be said. Just openly say anything about a "plan" or a "plot", or throw God into the mix, and you are automatically called a "conspiracy wacko". Even the conservatives jump on this little band wagon. Glenn Beck is routinely disparaged by both sides of the aisle, and we all know how relentlessly Sarah Palin is attacked in an attempt to marginalize her message.
Folks, this is all about control, and the question I've had to ask myself over the past few weeks is; why? Why would you want to destroy a country's economy just so you can feel powerful? Wouldn't a rational person rather be head of a prosperous country? Therein lies the key. We are not dealing with rational people. We are dealing with evil, sick people, and it's time we all realized this.
The reason we, referring to those of us who are rational, cannot wrap ourselves around any of this is because we are rational. Spend some time connecting the dots. Read up on the UN's Agenda 21, Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, and the Cloward-Piven Strategy.
At the dinner table the other evening, my husband compared these people to shopaholics. No matter how much a person shops, and regardless of how much "stuff" they pile up in their homes, they are never satisfied. They have a bottomless pit in their soul that can never be filled. We are dealing with people who are nothing more than Godless empty pails riddled with holes. As fast as they pour other people's money and lifeblood in, it leaks out the bottom.
These people are the modern day Gnostic's, believing they have secret knowledge and can become as Gods. And many everyday folk are being dragged along this path by the "feel good" message being fed to them by their churches, including the Catholic Church. Dumbed down theology, watered down liturgy, liberation theology, diversity, and tolerance being preached relentlessly from pulpits of all denominations has turned the modern day Christian into a weak and vapid sycophant, demanding their "rights."
As Sun Tzu said in The Art of War, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. " Glenn Beck has been saying for weeks now that we need to know who we are and what we believe if we are to win this battle. I couldn't agree more.
The following article from American Thinker is great and I highly recommend a thorough reading.
August 16, 2009
Manufactured Healthcare Crisis
By James Simpson
These are perilous times. Last November's election of Barack Obama and a veto-proof majority of Democrats in both houses allowed a virulent cabal to capture our nation's seat of power. As with the Democrat takeover of Congress in 2006, it was a disaster of epic proportions. With one shocking, enormous, blatantly partisan, self-serving and destructive proposal following on the heels of another, the sheer enormity of their power grab defies description. But as each new proposal moves forward, the hand of the Crisis Strategy becomes clear. read the rest
More to Read:
New World Order Rising?
Thoughts on the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development
Ahmadinejad's Overlooked Message
Im working on a 10 page proposal congress needs way too many pages
ReplyDelete"...dumbed down theology, watered down liturgy...etc." You sure have that right!
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid we are on the fast track to one world government!
Great post!
Ok -- but here is one change the federal government needs to make: create a single national market for health care insurance. Health care insurance right now is all regulated on a state by state basis. Auto insurance doesn't work this way. Virtually no type of insurance works this way. So why does health care insurance work this way? If there was a national market for insurance, there could be nation-wide competition by private businesses. As it is now, in most states, there are only a couple of insurance companies that compete for individual or small-business coverage. Create a national market, and that will change.
ReplyDeleteI guess what I would like to see is a medical insurance market that looks more like the auto insurance market than anything else.
ReplyDeletePlease stop confusing the socialists with facts- they simply cannot handle them.
You know, about a month ago, I was in a small car accident and needed to see a doctor for an X-ray. I called my regular doctor, and they wouldn't see me, because they overbook to the point that they can't even fit in emergencies. So I went to the urgent care place, figuring I'd pay out of pocket and submit it later. Because I paid cash, my office visit, X-rays, and everything cost a grand total of $111. I'm POSITIVE that if I'd gone through my insurance, I would have paid more than that in lab costs and co-pays.
ReplyDeleteI mean, it costs more than $111 to get the dog seen and X-rayed! (As I'm sure you know.) Craziness.
The cold, hard truth...love it. Great post.