Thursday, August 27, 2009

America Magazine and Patrick Madrid

This is not just a Catholic issue:

It isn't often that I read things that make my blood boil to the point it threatenes to roast my brain. Yesterday on Patrick Madrid's blog he posted a reply he sent to the National Catholic Reporter about an op-ed piece written by a certain Sister Maureen Fiedler, in which she extolled the virtues of Edward Kennedy and claimed "he made her proud to be Catholic."

Patrick wrote a well thought out response, and in no way personally denigrated Kennedy or Sister Fiedler. A person by the name of Michael Sean Winters wrote a response to Patrick in America Magazine's group blog area, a publication of the Jesuits.

To quote Patrick:

"In just six irate paragraphs, he manages to brand me me a "boor," a "loudmouth," "ignorant of history," "callous," "inhumane," "indecent," and "hateful" — all the while insinuating that my comments on this issue (and those of other pro-life people) are simply a "rant."

I'm not sure exactly when the majority of the Jesuits decided they didn't want to be the "Pope's men" anymore. America magazine is an almost completely dissident, un-Catholic publication. It oozes with condescension toward authentic Catholic teachings and those that try to adhere to it. And the National Catholic Reporter is, as my pastor says, not fit to be used for bird cage liner.

Brian McLaren

And while I'm still heated up, let's chat about Brian McLaren. This leader in the emergent church movement, is celebrating Ramadan this month along with his Muslim "brothers and sisters." I've got news for you Brian - Muslim's would rather cut off your head than celebrate Ramadan with you.

Many of the main stream Protestants object to McLaren because they fear he is "too Catholic", due to his fascination with centering prayer, Tai Chi, radical environmentalism, multi-culturalism, and social justice (which is code for Marxism.) Let me be very clear (as The One is so fond of saying), none of these things are authentically Catholic, and should be avoided by any person who wants to call themselves Catholic or Christian.

And how about them Evangelical Lutherans? By cracky - they're so with it, doncha know!

Now the Evangelical Lutheran churches in America can have Pastor Bob and Bruce comfortably and lovingly holding hands due to their "committed relationship", while they lead their flock in prayer and teach the Word of God.

Marxists, Fascists, and other assorted enemies...

What is going on in our churches is just one more way for people like Barack Obama to obtain their ends. It is encouraged and welcomed. Destroy the faith of millions and replace it with a brand new faith. Replace faith in God and Our Savior, Jesus Christ, with a faith centered on the state. This is what they want and they're doing a great job.

The elitist, educated beyond their intelligence types, who run execrable rags such as America and the National Catholic Reporter, the denominations that normalize un-natural sexual practices, and all the New Age aficionado's, are being played like a violin. Unfortunately, the violin has broken strings.