Thursday, July 16, 2009

Evil Spirits Roaming Free

I've been fairly horrified these past months about the direction this country is taking. One of the problems in our "politically correct" culture is this insane desire to separate politics and religion, or indeed, separate any sort of religion or morality from the public square.

Nobody is willing to say the obvious - we have a spiritual problem. You cannot operate in the vacuum of humanism, turn your back on our Creator, and expect things to work. We have become a people living lives of "quiet desperation", surrounding ourselves with ugliness in art, architecture, music, and speech. Our so-called journalists have become foul mouthed shills for a corrupt administration. We entertain ourselves with movies such as the recently released Bruno, which is nothing more than main stream pornography.

We have become dulled to the outrages taking place in our society and yet refuse to stand up and say the truth. Sarah Palin is hated most for her reliance on God. That is the real basis of the constant stream of abuse and invectives hurled at her. I am reminded of scenes from The Exorcist while observing people rip into her.

Make no mistake about this; there is a devil. Jesus knew there was a devil and so should we.

From the combox:

My smart lawyer feller friend in Spokane has left such an insightful comment about Mark Levin's book Liberty and Tyranny. I felt it deserved to be put up here where everyone can read it.

Mark in Spokane has left a new comment on your post "Liberty and Tyranny Another must have book."

Well, I bought the book this weekend on your recommendation, and I have to say it was good, but I was surprised at how little he talked about the importance of family. His "Statist" take on liberalism didn't allow him to acknowledge that when it comes to marriage, family and the right to life, the government has a role in defending our social institutions and in protecting the life of the unborn. He got caught in his own ideology, and wound up not addressing the critical issues upon which the future of our civilization is predicated: the family and the right to life.

To be blunt, a libertarian order that preserves the culture of death is no better (and in fact may wind up being worse) than the current liberal order that embraces abortion on demand and other evils. One cannot demand natural rights for oneself and deny them to one's neighbor -- Lincoln understood this, it was his great conservative insight. In Lincoln's day, the natural right under attack was the natural right of liberty -- the right of each man to be free. In our day, the natural right under attack is the right to life -- the right of each person at each stage of his or her life to be free of the arbitrary deprivation of life by private caprice without the due process of law.

Without the preservation of all our natural rights -- the rights to life, liberty and property guaranteed to each person in our nation by our Constitution's 5th and 14th Amendments, no decent civil society is possible, no truly free social order is possible. All that will be is a predator-state, with the strong and the privileged feasting upon the weak and depersonalized. It will not matter whether such an order is cloaked in the rhetoric of freedom or not. It will not be a conservative order, and it will not be a free society. It will be a tyranny.

Well said, Mark!!


Mark D. said...

Thanks for elevating my comment out of the combox onto your main site! I'm honored.


David R Graham said...

Your fellow Roman Catholic Kyle-Anne Shiver is emphatic that the problem is spiritual. So are other Roman Catholics and Protestants and Reformeds. And Hindus and Buddhists. Muslims too, if one can find one (I have not yet), but not Mohammedans.

Lynne said...

I agree with your commenter, Mark, about the down-side of being a Libertarian. I am not a Democrat and do not consider myself a Republican any longer but a Reagan conservative. Reagan said that conservatism was like a three-legged stool, fiscal issues, national security *and* social issues.