Friday, June 19, 2009

To be released June 23
Pre-Order at Amazon

by Dick Morris and Eileen Mcgann

In Catastrophe, Morris and McGann take a hard look at America in free fall-and at how Obama is transforming a vulnerable America into a socialist state. They tell the truth about Obama and his radical policies:
  1. He will destroy our health care system so that no one gets adequate care.
  2. He designed his bank rescue plan to pave the way for nationalization of the banks and socialization of the economy.
  3. He firmly believes in government control of our major industries-he's already commandeered the banks and the automobile industry.


Mark D. said...

Thanks for the book recommendation. What a tremendous transformation that is occuring! And people really don't agree with it -- but the Democrats have such a lopsided majority in Congress that there is little being done to put the breaks on the efforts by the Administration to take over large swaths of the economy.

Smiley said...

The fun is about to begin. USA has a debt of 1.8 trillion dollars and grwoing. Soon the boomer generation will be old and will want health care, where is the money going to come from, it will be borrowed on Credit. The BRIC nations already want to not use the Dollar to base their currency on and wnat to switch to the EURO. Brazil, Russia, China and India are the largest growing and manufacturing economies of the world. China buys US treasury bonds and is holding alot of US debt, If China decides (and fom the sounds i hear form china) if they stop buying bonds the US dollar will go into inflation. TO combat this the US treasury will print more dollar bills, the USA will lose its AAA credit rating and more inflation. The only way to combat this is increase taxes which will not go down and this administration does not seem willing to do that. This inflation will reach propotions only seen in Latin America in Argentina. The collapse of the US dollar will lead to a similr collapse of the CAD dollar. Countries like India which are stockpiling US dollars will also collapse.
Throw in into the mix Iran and Korea who are the new nuclear powers and things are getting very interesting.
go buy a fiddle, Rome is about to burn.