Monday, June 22, 2009

Celebrity Blogger Perez Hilton Punched

This disgusting little worm of a creature of "Carrie Prejean is a dumb bitch" fame, found out what happens when you insult the wrong person.

Some things are just pure karma, doncha know?


Jennifer said...

So if you are gay you're allowed to call others 'faggots'? I'm so confused, but gladd the jerk got punched. He needs a face transplant (personality transplant, sex transplant, etc.)


Fr. Erik Richtsteig said...

And I bet he cried like a little girl.

Larry Denninger said...

Are you sure he was punched and not b****-slapped?

Subvet said...

Two gay men fighting? I'd rather watch women's mud wrestling. If these "queens" weren't celebrities there'd be no story.

Terry Nelson said...

He ooks so sad! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!