Monday, June 8, 2009

Can More Inflation Revive the US Economy?

Having just finished reading economist Gregory Mankiw, former White House adviser and Harvard professor, I was pleased to read this most concise and intelligent article over at the Mises Daily (Ludwig von Mises Institute) written by

"Is it true that inflation helps to alleviate the debt burden in the economy? What raises the debt burden is the declining ability of individuals to create real wealth. Obviously, then, more inflation weakens the ability to create real wealth and can only increase and not reduce the debt burden." read the entire article - it's excellent!

1 comment:

RightKlik said...

Printing money and causing inflation is the easiest and most sure-fire way for Obama to achieve his Marxist/wealth-redistribution goals. He can hand out dollars to those who haven't earned it while diminishing the purchasing power of those who HAVE earned their wealth. Viola! A level playing field!

Peggy Joseph is so excited.