Monday, May 18, 2009

This is nauseating...

U.S. President Barack Obama raises his arm as he takes part in the blessing of students during the commencement ceremonies at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana, May 17, 2009. REUTERS/Jason Reed

H/T Gateway Pundit

Thanks to MightyMom (who is recovering from surgery and needs for you to tell her to follow doctor's orders), for this link to a wonderfully written article by Sherry Antonetti.

Perhaps Why

"The honoring of President Obama with a law degree at commencement has confounded those who love the ideals embodied by Notre Dame."

"I have been pondering for several days, why would the President of the most celebrated Catholic University in America remain so resolute when so many people of the faith and leaders of the Church were counseling otherwise?" read the rest

Barf Bag Alert

So now we who uphold authentic Catholic teachings are insular, parochial, ostensibly Catholic members of a mob, and full of hatred.

emphasis mine....

The remarks by Trinity Washington University President Patricia McGuire were among the speeches given at graduation ceremonies big and small across the region.

Speaking on Trinity's campus in Northeast Washington, McGuire said that "a half-century of progress for Catholic higher education is at risk of slipping back into those insular, parochial pre-Vatican II days" when academic freedom was not valued within the Catholic Church.

"The real scandal at Notre Dame today is not that the president of the United States is speaking at commencement," McGuire said. "The real scandal is the misappropriation of sacred teachings for political ends. The real scandal is the spectacle of ostensibly Catholic mobs camping out at Notre Dame for the specific purpose of disrupting the commencement address of the nation's first African American president. This ugly spectacle is an embarrassment to all Catholics. The face that Catholicism shows to our new president should be one marked with the sign of peace, not distorted in the snarl of hatred."

McGuire continued, "The religious vigilantism apparent in the Notre Dame controversy arises from organizations that have no official standing with the church, but who are successful in gaining media coverage as if they were speaking for Catholicism. . . . They have established themselves as uber-guardians of a belief system we can hardly recognize. Theirs is a narrow faith devoted almost exclusively to one issue. They defend the rights of the unborn but have no charity toward the living. They mock social justice as a liberal mythology."

H/T HotAir


Lola said...

"Theirs is a narrow faith devoted almost exclusively to one issue. They defend the rights of the unborn but have no charity toward the living. They mock social justice as a liberal mythology."

And the following could be most of my extended family:
"I'm not going to be a single issue voter. Besides most Republicans want to protect the unborn but do nothing for the born..." YaDa Yada yada

But let me tell you this, and it's no secret with Pro-lifers, this argument gets old since those that throw that argument out there hardly do anything for anyone anyway. Unless fundraising for the PETA or PP would count. Thank you Judy Blume.

But, why can't these half-baked intellectuals acknowledge that it is through the Narrow Gate (Faith)that we enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

Where am I going to spend my kids higher education dollars? Probably a state school because the big name Catholic Schools are just so d@mn disappointing.

Thank you Adrienne for putting the truth out there and for fighting the Good Fight!

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

Has Obama been ordained? I knew he could run the car companies, have czars for everything, but offering Mass?

I despise those lay blessings extend your right hand, (I never do)

MightyMom said...

geez, sending your posse out after me huh?


I'm doing much better at behaving myself these days....we just won'd discuss the mopping of the kitchen floor Sunday morning okay? CHOCOLATE MILK!!

Jennifer said...

Wow. I like how instead of saying the 'mob' was there to protest a pro abortion president' they say the 'mob' was their to protest the first African-American

So once again, we are racist, not pro life.
