Thursday, May 7, 2009


Uh Oh

I just realized that I haven't done a meme from back on the 29th of last month. Motherhen68 over at the Chicken Coop tagged me. Sorry Mom!!

And so...

The Rules:

Mention the person that tagged you
Complete the lists of 8’s
Tag 8 of your wonderful bloggy friends
Go tell them you tagged them

8 Things I Look Forward To:

1. Hopefully going to heaven
2. Fridays with my hubby - shopping, maybe eating out, just hanging out together
3. Lilac Day parade
4. Clean sheets every week
5. Going to the library (we have a great library in Post Falls)
6. Taking some hikes this summer
7. Riding my bike
8. The day our current President vanishes!!

8 Things I did Yesterday

1. Went to Mass
2. Worked out at the gym
3. Did some massive shopping and bargain hunting
4. Made a meat loaf (well ok - it was made but I had to take it out of the freezer and cook it)
5. Read
6. Made my "Sassy Water"
7. Worked on my schedule
8. Blogged

8 Things I wish I could do

1. Go to Italy

I really can't think of one other thing. If I want to do it badly enough I just do it....

8 Shows I Watch

1. Dancing With the Stars
2. Criminal Minds
3. Without a Trace
4. Cold Case

Sorry - can't get to eight. This week I only watched Dancing. I also like true crime but so many of them come on at 10:00pm and during the summer that is too late.

8 Bloggers Tagged

I'm tagging anyone who wants to play. Let us know so we can see your answers :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was actually surprised I had a hard time coming up with 8 shows I watch. I would have thought 8 wasn't enough. Thanks for playing.