Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Fun

*****After the gym we are off to buy the new flooring for the kitchen. Next week we'll buy the new refrigerator to sit on the new tile. We'll be doing the 12 x 12 self-stick tiles (something tells me I should use some extra glue), because we don't want any single item in this house to have a higher value then the house itself.

*****The new fridge will be nice because the one I have now randomly freezes stuff. Besides, it needs to be cleaned and a new one will relieve me of that nasty task.

*****We have set aside the money for the floor and the fridge and I purchased two 10% off coupons on ebay. Cost of coupons: $2.50. Savings: about $65.00.

****Spent some time deleting about 1000 photos and close to 1000 emails (yes - you read that right) from my computer. I emptied my recycle bin, cleaned, optimized, and defragged this poor old computer. It is behaving more like a 40 year old now instead of a 70 year old, but it is probably time to think about a new hard drive.

Then and Than

My husband and editor called my attention to my misuse of the word then/than in some earlier post. I have a real problem with these two words (along with being comma challenged). I shrugged and carried on with what I was doing.

He looked incredulous and said, "Well, I don't understand. You have a sign above your desk!"

"I know. And I even consulted it, but sometimes I can't even figure it out after looking at my sign."

And so in true ADD fashion I just shrugged and moved on with life. Sometimes it's best that way.

My little sign over my desk says:

Then is used either as a time marker or with a sequence of events.
Than is used in comparative statements.

Mmmmkay - got it - kinda of!

*****I'm seriously thinking about taking the weekend off from blogging. But knowing me, I'll find something that I must say. We'll see.


MightyMom said...

ha! you'll post pics of your new stuff!!

DO NOT use extra glue on self adhesive tiles!! From now till the end of time you will have glue oozing up the cracks between the tiles and attracting dirt that you can't clean.....and if you don't believe me then ask Mr Former Apartment Maintenance Man Subvet!!!!!!!

Don't say I didn't warn you!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Yours is words...mine is numbers. It drives my boss crazy with my number dyslexia. Says my title at the office should be NDRN [number dyslexic RN]. Aren't handicaps grand!?! Cathy

Sarah - Kala said...

Then/than - after four years home schooling with Seton and their English program . . . you'd think I would get that. Of course, I only recently learned that predicate is verb in English speak. Whatever, yeah? I'll drown in coffee. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

That's funny about the grammar correction. I'm always correcting my dh's emails where he has used "your" when he means "you're". It drives me up a WALL! I think he does it on purpose.

Good thinking about buying that coupon on Ebay. I wouldn't have even thought of that! Have fun shopping for your flooring and a new fridge. I've had the same fridge since 1993 ::knocking on wood:: and it still works great.

Katie Alender said...

Ooh, have fun with your new floor! And a new fridge--I've only had one of those in my whole life, and like three months after we got it, we sold the house and had to leave it behind!

Adrienne said...

MM - glue advice noted. But do those buggers really stick???

And I promise I'll get going on the pictures....promise

Adrienne said...

GrandmaK - I have that too. Not uncommon with ADD. If you rattle off a bunch of numbers all I hear is blah, blah, blah. I have finally just gotten to the point where I tell folks I have a problem and they have to slow down - waaaaay down!

Adrienne said...

Sarah - you too?? I feel much better now!

Yep - predicate = verb. Lots of action going on there...

Adrienne said...

motherhen - discovered those coupons quite by accident. Just put in Lowe's coupons and hundreds come up. Cool deal...

I would never, ever confuse your and you're so I guess I'm not a complete dummy.

I also hate when someone says "most" unique. No such thing...

Adrienne said...

Katie - when you're rich and famous you can buy one of those huge two door professional models to go in your kitchen. Right next to your huge professional stove...

Subvet said...

Adrienne, self adhesive floor tile does stick to the floor when properly applied (follow the instructions). Any problems I've seen were suffered by people who felt they didn't need no stinking instructions.

Jennifer said...

From personal experience, those 'buggers' really do stick. We stuck them on very questionable flooring after ripping off the old stick-ons (VERY difficult, basically ripped them off with the old particle board still stuck on, which unearthed vinyl flooring from the seventies, which we ripped off as well)

I wouldn't worry about it. They stick like a fly on...on... can't think of a suitable word for shit so I won't say it.

Is that a run on sentence?

Elisabeth said...

I mix up then/than only rarely, and usually when my mind isn't focused on what my fingers are doing on the keyboard (or, more frequently, in my journal.)

And I HATE working with numbers. Always have. For some reason, numbers don't have synonyms...