Friday, May 29, 2009

Addiction Alert

OMGosh - we were offline for about 5 hours this morning. I'm still drooling....

Make My Day

AP Oklahoma druggist arrested for killing holdup man...

OKLAHOMA CITY – Confronted by two holdup men, pharmacist Jerome Ersland pulled a gun, shot one of them in the head and chased the other away. Then, in a scene recorded by the drugstore's security camera, he went behind the counter, got another gun, and pumped five more bullets into the wounded teenager as he lay on the floor.

Now Ersland has been charged with first-degree murder in a case that has stirred a furious debate over vigilante justice and self-defense and turned the pharmacist into something of a folk hero. read the rest and tell me what you think


Fr. Erik Richtsteig said...

I think it will come down to whether or not the dead gunman (if your old enough to commit armed robbery, you are a man not a boy) still constituted a threat or could reasonably been considered one. If there is any doubt, it should be in the pharmacists favor.

As for the race pimps, they are doing the cause of racial justice no favors. And while I certainly feel compassion for the dead robber's mom, she would do well to blame her son, not the man resisting violent crime.

Packrat said...

My thoughts such as they are: The pharmacist had every right to shoot the first time. If I had been in the position the pharmacist was in, I'd have been mad as H*** and scared to death, so I'm guessing the pharmacist was, too. I might have even shot again. Five shots, tho, is rather excessive. First degree murder charge? No.

Of course, I believe that we have the right to defend ourselves, our families, and our property.

Ken & Carol said...

First of all, it takes awhile to die. And secondly, fearing for your life doesn't ebb as quickly as one round to the head.

Subvet said...

Someone should have warned the robber, "If you're gonna play be prepared to pay."