Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Senate confirms health secretary nominee - Kathleen Sebelius

*****Make no mistake about what I am about to say. Our current President is purposely picking out and promoting Catholics with very sketchy credentials. He hates the Catholic Church and wishes to cause division and dissension. It's the old "divide and conquer" method of gaining control.

****The Catholic Church has always stood against socialism and communism. Obama does not wish to see us unified and following the authentic teachings of the Church. Educate yourselves and teach your children. Pray often and preach endlessly. I have complete faith that the Holy Spirit and the truth will prevail, but that does not give us license to sit back and relax.

*****"I agree with you that the Republic is lost," said the young politician Publius Clodius, surnamed Pulcher. "And I agree with you that the future of Rome belongs to the Caesares. It is regrettable. My fathers believed in the Republic."

*****"When a nation becomes so demoralized and corrupt and angerless as Rome, then that nation is lost forever," said Marcus. "Then come the Caesares."

Taylor Caldwell, A Pillar of Iron


Subvet said...

Biden, Sebelius, Pelosi, etc. all give cover to those who would persecute the Church. This won't stop with B.O., look for it to continue no matter who gets elected in 2012. The CINOs will provide the excuse of, "We don't hate Catholics, look at all the ones we hang with." while the screws get turned on the rest of us.

It won't be lions in the arena either, (PETA would object), it'll be the IRS crawling up your butt with a microscope. It'll be CPS taking your kids/grandkids, etc.

We'll be screwed and won't even get a kiss the next morning.

MightyMom said...

ain't Subvet cheerful??!!

it's another way to make folks accept the minority as the rule rather than the exception....

Sarah - Kala said...

Dark days . . . but we must not forget we have the Light of Christ. We definitely have our work cut out for us, but we have to remember Thy Will Be Done . . . keep Christ in the middle of it and we will be fine.

Some times I read this stuff and it makes me feel bitter, helpless, depressed and scared. What to do? Get my weapon: the Rosary. I'm so grateful for this Faith - even if it means I don't understand it all and that true martyrdom may be required. I mean, St. Catherine was the girl who wanted to go die for the Faith in Muslim land (did I get the right Saint?). I mean, I'm not eager about death . . . but what could be more noble for Christ? Just to be willing?

We have to keep praying! Get better informed, make noise.