Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ballad of Timothy Geithner

Special blessings to my friend Jennifer over at the Morning Buzz, who will be forgiven for making me spend hours (ok - long minutes) scanning my tea party photos to find her. She finally informed me that you can't actually "see" her - just the backs of her signs (you know - the ones with blue tape! ) Yeah, right Jennifer. Silly me for not recognizing your blue tape!

*****She is forgiven because she found this video that had me laughing out loud. I'm so tired of over wrought indignation (mine included). This lady attorney hits just the right note.


A Bit of the Blarney said...

Indeed, this was funny...Cathy

Lola said...

I can't help but like a lady who can tell it like it is with a sense of humor.

Ken & Carol said...

Marvelous, thanks Adrienne.

Jennifer said...

Ha ha. I'm so sorry to have mislead you. I think I was joking, but I honestly don't remember! To little sleep + worrying about the end of the world = losing ability to write lucidly.

Not sure if I made that word up, but u get the picture!

Have a great friday! Enjoy the Sun!!

Tracy said...

very funny!!!

uncle jim said...

got it up and running