We Need a St. Patrick
*****Even though the legend of St. Patrick driving the snakes from Ireland is probably not true, being there were no snakes, the symbolism fits our present day situation. We are a country being overrun with snakes that must be driven from our shores.
*****We now have the equivalent of the "Irish snakes" in charge of running our country. Witness the latest "outrage" pouring out of Washington concerning the AIG bonuses. Once again our current President sows the seeds of discord and class envy. Rather than placing blame where it belongs, which in this case is the ineptness of this administration, he rallies the country to anger to the point of setting up a situation that may prove to actually be dangerous to the workers of AIG. The other scenario, one I am more prone to believe, is the possibility that this was a deliberate action, a way to distract and cause more chaos.
*****Is it working? You bet! Last night I monitored one of the discussion tables at RCIA, the subject being that of Christian morality. The ire heaped on the AIG company and the beneficiaries of the bonuses was breathtaking. I suggested perhaps the anger would be better directed to the administration handing over the money to begin with. The people in question were just receiving what had been promised to them, which was supported by airtight contracts drawn up nearly a year ago.
*****If AIG had been forced into bankruptcy protection before the money was handed over, the contracts would have been null and void. Either this administration is so completely inept as to not know this (not likely), or this was done for a more nefarious reason. The fact is AIG announced the bonus schedule many months ago. This was well known, so why the outrage now?
*****The Bloomberg polls show President Obamas's numbers slithering steadily toward sea level like so many little snakes. If you listen to the reports flowing from Washington, we were in "crisis mode" two weeks ago, and last week the economy was "actually doing quite well". Quite a turn around for one week. But not willing to let another "crisis go to waste" they must divert the attention of the public once again. This administration knew exactly what it was doing when it handed over more of your money to AIG.
*****Even the headlines on Yahoo news this morning reported a less than stellar performance from our current President who appeared to be having a hard time maintaining his "anger."
*****"In the middle of decrying the misdeeds of the financial firm AIG, President Obama cracked a joke. "Excuse me," he said Monday, after coughing into the microphone. "I am choked up with anger here." There were laughs all around the gilded East Room of the White House, because he didn't sound angry at all."
*****"The laughter, of course, did not fit the occasion, the latest in a seemingly endless stream of public events at which Washington's political leaders work themselves into high dudgeon over the sins of financial wizards who, we are told over and over again, have messed up the world for everyone else. But then, you can only act outraged about the same thing so many times before it all starts to sound stale. These spectacles, the public rhetorical floggings, have become teleplays, as predictable as a daytime soap opera, as comforting as a wet rock." source
*****Do not buy into more of this manufactured craziness. Know in your hearts that just as St. Patrick "drove the snakes from Ireland", we too can drive these vile and dangerous people from our shores. The destruction of the wealth of this country, the chaos, and the pursuit of the culture of death in just the first few months of this administration is something I have not witnessed in my lifetime.
*****We are a nation of laws and these people must be defeated legally. Inform yourselves and convey the information to anyone who will listen. It is not that long until the midterm elections and we must start there to reclaim this country.
*****I have more to say - much more, but in the interests of getting anything done today it will have to wait.
Now the big question is: My Lenten penance was to only post three times per week which has caused my thoughts and words to back up to the point of bursting the dam. My cheeks are actually getting puffy.
**** Last week I posted twice. Can the the extra post that was skipped last week be added to this week, bringing my posts up to four this week???? We may need a knowledgeable clergy type person to answer this.....(I'm kinda thinking it's playing games with God, but I'm hoping some priest will come along and say, "Yahoo, post away little lady!!")
New Blogger Friends
*****I received a nice email from Rick Scalise, the editor of Opposing Views. They now have a section devoted to Religion. I looked it over and was quite impressed. Stop over and take a look.
*****My friend Jennifer has taken up residence at Jennifer's Morning Buzz. I was blessed to have this lovely lady in one of my RCIA classes. I must have done ok 'cause she became a Catholic in spite of moi. She is now married to an exceptionally cute guy who also weathered the storm of my "teaching" and became a Catholic. Pop over and say hi and welcome her to the time-suck called blogging.
I'll let Bella Vita speak for herself:
*****"My blogs are places to share my personal thoughts on the things I love and am most passionate about: anything about cooking, Italian cuisine, quilting, my Faith, life on a country acreage, and living a balanced, spiritual and healthy life (body-mind-soul)."
*****Bella also maintains Our Beautiful Catholic Faith. The most notable thing about Bella's blogs is the calming influence they have (which is something we can all use a bit of right
And from Katie Alender (famous author) we have:
Bad Girls Don't Die...the secret revealed!
*****We’re down to a month and a few days before the release of BAD GIRLS DON’T DIE! In celebration of that, I invite you to meet Alexis, my little heroine… in her very own… BOOK TRAILER!
I think the way Mr. Obama is treating the veterans over healthcare is disgraceful. Maybe, as a Brit., I shouldn't say that, but if someone is willing to defend a country, then that country owes them a debt. Our own M.O.D. aren't that honourable, either.
We do need St. Patrick!! Excellent post A!!
I am just disgusted. period. end. of. statement. I can't even read most of what I get in emails and what you post, because I get so upset. (Sorry, and you go to all that work.)
As to St. Patrick - I read some place that he was the first to bring cats to Ireland thus disposing of rats, mice, and snakes. I wonder if there is any truth to that at all???
Speaking of cats - the little monster has knocked a bunch of papers on the floor - again.
Looks like we'll be getting the barney. AIG is just a ruse to make us mad enough (class envy), to call our Representatives and Senators to pass the Presidents budget. This budget is packed with socialist pork, but we'll be so mad as not to see that. What we will see is the Presidents fix to the AIG problem. I hope we are smart enough not to fall for it.
A sad and familiar tale.
"Just a taste, just a taste," she thought. "I can walk away anytime I want. I don't have a problem," she kept muttering to herself, as she nervously paced in front of the computer, chewing on her fingernails.
"I can walk away anytime I want," she kept saying as she walked over to the computer, her hands shaking from withdrawals. "Just one more post. I'm owed. I missed a post last week. I'm owed. It'll be ok. Just this one extra time, that's all."
She kept saying that last sentence over and over again, as she powered up her computer and prepared, her addiction firmly in control at that point. It was all over but the flicker of the computer monitor's glow reflecting in her classes.
"I'm owed. I'm owed."
Sorry. I couldn't resist...
I think you'd better not start accumulating rollover posts! This is for your own good. ;-) You can do it! You can do it! Offer it up.
The AIG thing troubles me, but we're talking contracts. And my first thought was that within the murky structure of that company are probably a few guys who made a positive difference and deserve their reward, even if the contributions they made were overshadowed by general failure.
Thanks for mentioning my trailer!
oh sure you can! post away!! :-)
but I'll agree to most anything so don't mind me.
you seen Cassablanca??
at lunch today we were discussing how BO was "shocked, just shocked" that those AIG bits were in there!!
Adrienne, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, your blog too. In fact, I like the freshness of your humor . . . oh how we need more of this right now. I really needed a boost and logged on to your site just now (lunch break) and just enjoy the feeling of a good chuckle. Thanks for the mention too. What a nice touch. I never thought of that, so I better step up, huh? Blessings on the first day of Spring! Roz
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