Look Who Came for Dinner

*****The field across from our house is a favorite stopping off place for the Canadian Honkers, both in the spring and fall. Many times there are hundreds and hundreds out there at one time. Often when they take flight they will fly so low over our house you can hear the sound of their wings - a sound like no other.
*****In the eleven years we have lived here, they have never crossed the road until today. First they were out partaking of the water in the road and headed back out to the field. Just a few minutes ago we looked out and the four of them were strolling on our east lawn having a grand time.

A little winter damage...

well, you know symmetry is just a bit overrated!! just don't tell Poirot that!! teeheehee.
I've heard those Canadians can be MEAN if you get too close without a snack...be careful out there...twould be hard to type minus fingers!
Adrienne, Love the photos of the geese; I don't get any of those visitors! Is there still snow on the ground up there? I'm leaving the office early today to go dig around in the garden a little bit before it rains. Bye for now, Roz
Why did the Canadian Geese cross the road?
To view the damage on the other side!
I think they smashed the juniper with their turds. Never underestimate the weight of goose poo!
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