Monday, March 9, 2009

And from my own state of Idaho...

Duty to Die in Idaho! Legislature Close to Passing Futile Care Bill

The legislative process has become so overwhelming, that unless one hires a professional lobbying group to keep track, laws can pass quietly without any public attention at all.

That seems to be the case in Idaho, where the Senate has passed a Texas-style futile care bill. The bill is so bad, it permits doctors who want to refuse wanted treatment to violate a patient's written advance directive. From the bill, S. 1114, section 394504A (4): read more

And even more...

Idaho Futile Care Bill: Doctors Can Unilaterally Decide to Push People into the Grave

I have looked more closely at the awful Idaho futile care bill, S 1114, which I first addressed earlier today. Here are two more extremely objectionable clauses that show the intent to create a duty to die for the most infirm--and expensive for which to care--among us. From section
394504A (6) of the bill
: read more


Argent said...

It's been a depressing day, Adrienne.

Mark D. said...

Depressing indeed. I wonder how long until Idaho follows Washington and Oregon in legalizing assisted suicide...

A sad commentary about our great region...

Anonymous said...

In reading all the blogs about the obamanator's killing spree--I have to wonder how many people in our nation agree with him!? The problem is yes our death loving president, but the bottom line is people are participating in his death plan.

If no one participated in these killings, no one would even pay attention to the murderous laws. The bottom line is selfish people, don't want to suffer any discomfort in their lives--so THEY kill people, and the president makes it legal--this nation is sick to the very core.

RightKlik said...

These problems will multiply under Obama's agenda.

ABNPOPPA said...


Am I reading that Section 8 wrong? I read it as the attending physican does not have to go to this so called death board with a patient. Does not the allow him and the family to make the decision based on what the family and patient may or may not have discussed?

I agree with RigthtKlik, this problem will only get worse.


Mark D. said...

Of course it will get worse. Look at the Netherlands to see where this is headed. Not just "letting nature take its course," not even physician-assisted suicide. It will end with active euthanasia -- the only question is on what scale and how fast?

Sarah - Kala said...

Christ, have mercy.

MightyMom said...


" Texas-style "

Texas don't do that babe. You're a full code unless YOU state otherwise...period.