Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal will deliver the Republican response to Obama's speech. H/T to Right Klik

Well that's good news!

Our current President's speech: "will be "thematic" and won't get into much detail on Obama's plans to deal with the credit crunch and housing crises. aides said."

And tell me how this is any different than anything else he has ever said?
I think a speech from our current President is the perfect way to start Lent!


Joe of St. Thérèse said...

LOL, the president is going to make Lent 4 years long instead of 40 days.

Ebeth said...

hahaha!! Joe, you may have a good point! But, we must'nt suffer in silence!!!!

Adrienne, see you after the "realy big shoe!"

MightyMom said...

let me introduce you to Cookie.

his site isn't always G rated...but this post is a perfect explanation of our "stimulus package" and I think you'll like it!!
