Thursday, January 1, 2009

To Mary Rose and All My Friends that Tweet (I don't)

Happy New Year!!


Mark D. said...

Happy New Year!

Jackie Parkes MJ said...

Love it! Happy New Year!

Mary Rose said...

Happy New Year! I LOVED this! have no idea..

I just woke up from a not-so-restful sleep and was informed by dh (who is now catching my cold) that yes, I didn't obviously sleep well and neither did he. So I'm sitting here, drinking my coffee at 5:22 AM and trying to get awake for my work day when I checked out this post.

Pretty soon, I was 'bobbin' like a robin! (I love to jitterbug. My dad taught it to me when I was a young girl.) So, I danced a little in my seat and even remembered how my mom loved this song. Thanks for giving me a smile to start my day and a little energy. You're just the best! :-D

(Oh, I just may "tweet" about this one, too! LOL!!)

Adrienne said...

Mary Rose - what was really funny is my husband not "getting it." He prides himself on not getting involved of any of this stuff - sort of like people who like to brag that they don't have a TV.

He kept asking what a jukebox had to do with anything. No, no, it's about the tweet. Remember I explained Twitter to you (thanks to you). Then he got kinda peeved and accused us of using "insider" talk. Hmmmmm, no dear!