Sunday, January 11, 2009

So Much to Think About.....
My friend Kelly has posed an interesting question:

What Does It Take To Be Devout?

You may want to go over and help her out. In my usual shy way, I have posted a comment already.

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Rich Leonardi at Ten Reasons, continues a discussion started on Father Z's blog, which was started Lord knows where, and in how many different places. We know people are leaving the Church and Rich's conclusion is the need for more and better catechesis. As many of you know, I am on the RCIA team of our parish, and until this year, taught 7th through 12th grade religious education classes.

****There is no doubt that the average Catholic is completely ignorant of their faith. There is also, in my opinion, a lack in the liturgy leading one to a fuller understanding of the faith. In an effort to be delicate, as I hate to belittle priests (I save that for Obambi), there is, in most cases, not much good instruction pouring forth from our ambos.

While I agree with Rich, my question is:

*****When does the finger that points to lack of catechesis, indifferent priests, and bad liturgy, get pointed back to the pointer? When do we have to start taking responsibility for our own lack of knowledge? It is disingenuous and insulting to keep saying that Catholics are too weak and ignorant to educate themselves, to find a different church, or pray for the priest they got stuck with.

****Are they really so ignorant that they don't even know they're ignorant? It's one thing to excuse young people because they think they know everything anyway. But by the time someone is in their 30's or 40's, a little light should be going off that perhaps they could avail themselves of some good Catholic books. And do Catholic parents really not understand they are the primary teachers of the faith?

Maybe it's time to answer some of these people with a simple, "you are lacking in that area of your knowledge of the faith. I could recommend some wonderful books for you." Will you win friends and influence people? Gosh, I hope so!

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Obambi's projections for "saving or creating jobs" is up to 4.1 million now. That figure just keeps growing and growing. Just exactly how can you know if you "saved" a job? Isn't that like proving a negative? Just sayin'..............

Government Projects do not "Create Jobs"

"The Fallacy That Government Creates Jobs"

This issue is not going away:

From Deliberate Engagement: "Oppose this Pro-Abortion action in Congress"
read more....

Mass Annoyance
A Poll......

*****We're supposed to make a profound bow every time we recite the Creed at Mass at the "et incarnatus est" ("by the power of the Holy Spirit . . .became man") except at Christmas and the Annunciation, when we're supposed to genuflect instead. My husband and I, and perhaps one or two other people, are the only ones who do this, even though it is clearly stated in the missalette (say the black, do the red). At Christmas we did not kneel. Do people in your parish bow, and did you kneel at Christmas? Take a moment and click on the poll in the upper left corner.


I love getting awards. I'm proud to call Esther, A Catholic Mom in Hawaii, a friend. And I will continue to call her one as long as she keeps giving me awards (only kiiiiiding - sorta!)

  1. Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass the award on to 5 most deserving Bloggy Friends.
  2. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author and the name of the blog from whom he/she has received the Award.
  3. Each Superior Scribbler must display the award on his/her blog, and link to this post, which explains the award.
  4. Each Blogger who wins the Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List (scroll down). That way, we’ll be able to keep up to date on everyone who receives this.
  5. Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
I pass this award on to, ta da:

  1. Each and every one of you that just took the time to read this.........ha. ha. Gothcha!


Rachel said...

Aaauugh, I'm tagged! :)

That's a very good point I've seldom heard before-- people bear some responsibility for their own ignorance of the Faith.

Kelly said...


Thank you for mentioning my post. I am looking forward to reading any comments that come my way.

I would also agree that it is not acceptable to remain complacent. If one is lacking in knowledge of the faith it is a personl responsibility to go get the knowledge.

Elisabeth said...

Thanks again, Adrienne. I'll be sure my Eminent Colleague sees this (or at least hears about it :) )

Tracy said...

Thanks A!!
I agree with Rachel, people do bear some responsibility!!