Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama Administration Already Pushing Utilitarian Medical Poison

****Uh, oh: Here it comes. Incoming Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Daschle wants to create a US Agency to control costs based on the UK's Orwellian-named National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), which substantially controls the ethics and medical availability of care under the NHS.

read more from:
Secondhand Smoke:Your 24/7 Seminar on Bioethics and the Importance of Being Human



Larry Denninger said...

Mick Jagger was a prophet: "What a drag it is getting old."

Adrienne said...

Hey Lare - speak for yourself. I'm just getting started at 63....(which makes you waaaaaaaay too old for me.) Your wife can breathe easy...LOL

Mark D. said...

Well, Obama and the Democrats are determined to bring socialism to this country, no matter how old each of us might be! This kind of government regulatory office is the first step towards government take-over of industry, either directly (as with the bank bailouts) or indirectly (via regulations that mandate how business can be conducted).

Larry Denninger said...

LOL, Adrienne. Especially since I'm 43.