Friday, January 9, 2009

Financial Simplicity

****Fred Thompson sums up what any rational person already knows. You can't borrow yourself out of debt. One of my favorite financial guru's, Dave Ramsey, proclaims that over and over to anyone who will listen.

****Not only is Obambi's financial plan guaranteed to plunge this country further into chaos, but it is not Christian. It calls into question many of the virtues to which a good Christian has vowed to follow. I will have much more to say about that in the upcoming weeks.

****For now, let me leave you with everything you will ever need to know about running a government, a business, or your family finances:

There is so much money coming in and so much money going out. What is coming in better be more than what is going out. If not, you either have to increase what is coming in or decrease what is going out, or maybe both. Simple!


Rachel said...

Now that's a great video! Depressing too.

belinda said...

Okay then - how much stuff is enough. When do we stop buying?
I go to garage sales ,and most every one has a packed garage. Where are we going to put more things, - things that we are growing weary of, things that we have to provide storage for, and then we have to pay taxes on bigger property to store more CRAP. Worse yet people are working like crazy to pay their bills which comes at the expense of their children ,and the collapse of many debt ridden marriages. Where are we going to put more things, and aren't we supposed to be saving for retirement considering that Social security will be gone at some point. Our government is collectively mentally ill. I think that if money is devalued as it was after WW1 in Germany then the money that we have saved will be worthless.Our only solution is prayer, and repentance. Suffering is clearly a part of our future.

Motherhen said...

Is O'Bummer saying WE should spend ourselves out of this recession or is he saying the country should spend it's way out. I'm not spending more money to help this recession. Spending too much is what got us here in the 1st place.

I told dh that we need to finish paying off the CC ASAP. We used the entire Christmas bonus to get us almost to zero. How's THAT for dedication?? :) :) LOL

Terry Nelson said...

I like Fred.

belinda said...

I agree with Terry I like Freds.

Tracy said...

I like Fred as well!!

belinda said...

We can have a Fred Fest, and all the Freds could come.

Edfray Elpsphay isway otnay invitedway.