Sunday, November 9, 2008


****Hate crimes (also known as bias- motivated crimes) occur when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership in a certain social group, usually defined by racial group, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, gender identity, or political affiliation.[1]
****Hate crime can take many forms. Incidents may involve physical assault, damage to property, bullying, harassment, verbal abuse or insults, or offensive graffiti or letters. Wikipedia

****I've always had a lot of respect for Mormons. They work hard, raise large, and for the most part, very nice families. They have great zeal for their beliefs and make some great music. Other than a few inconvenient visits by their missionaries, they pretty much stay out of our way. Imagine if the Catholic kids evangelized like the Mormon kids.

****The schools in Utah turn out some of the highest test scores at the lowest cost. Coincidence that Mormons control Utah? I don't think so. If they refer to the Catholic Church as the "whore of Babylon", at least they do it behind closed doors the same way we question the planet they are all going to get when they finally shuffle off this one.

****The Mormon Church in California and Utah is being targeted by the disappointed homosexuals who wanted the "right" to "marry." These folks blame the Mormons. Too bad they're not blaming the Catholics.

****My question is why is this not considered a "hate crime?" These people rampaging through the streets seem pretty hateful to me. Churches can be burned down and it's not considered a hate crime. Christians of all stripes can be targeted and it's not considered a hate crime. But woe to someone who hurts a homosexual or a "person of color."

****Very soon it will come to pass that if a priest or minister speaks out against the sin of engaging in homosexual behavior, he will be charged with a hate crime. Don't think so? Just ask someone in Canada.

****Catholics, you need to thank a Mormon for standing up for the rights of marriage and family in California.

That Didn't Take Long

WASHINGTON – President-elect Obama's transition chief said Sunday the incoming administration is looking to reverse President Bush's executive orders on stem cell research, oil and gas drilling, and other matters.

John Podesta said the president can use such orders to move quickly without waiting for Congress to act, highlighting the extraordinary powers a president can wield beyond signing legislation approved by Congress. Podesta said people should expect Obama to use those powers to reverse many policies of the Bush administration.


X said...

I can't wait until Tara reads the Mormom post...

X said...

oops! - that should say MormoN

irene said...

adrienne, thank you for your points on the Mormons. They are the scriptural -- and therefore Catholic -- approach.

As for the democrats making law by executive fiat, the republicans should have thought of that before they gave W the powers.

Adrienne said...

Irene - Mormons may be nice people but they are not scriptual. In fact they are not even Christians.

And POTUS have been issuing executive order since 1789. Read Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution which grants to the President the "executive Power." It was not something something dreamed up for President Bush.

I believe Clinton holds the record for most exective orders issued but don't take that to the bank.

Tracy said...

Good post Adrienne!!

Ebeth said...

You rock, girlfriend!!! On all accounts today.


irene said...

Antecedents, adrienne. My "they" referred to your "points", and not to "Mormons". Sorry for the unclarity.

As for who may be "scriptural" or "Christian", my understanding of scripture is that this is not for me to judge -- not even with respect to other Catholics.

Adrienne said...

Irene - you really need to learn the difference between judgement (of which we have a right and a duty to do - condemation is reserved for God) and stating a fact.

FACT: Mormons are not Christians. Don't believe me? Ask the Holy See.