Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Murder Merchants at Work

"The first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do." -- Senator Barack Obama, speaking to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, July 17, 2007

Justin Cardinal Rigali's Letter to Congress about FOCA September 9, 2009

  1. The Freedom of Choice Act also supercedes any law, regulation or local ordinance that impinges on a woman's right to choose (states lose control)
  2. That means a poor woman cannot be denied the use ofMedicaid if she chooses to have an
    abortion. (you'll be paying for the abortion)
  3. That means that abortions cannot be prohibited at public hospitals, giving women more choices than private clinics. (all hospitals will be mandated to perform abortions)
  4. That means that we respect a woman's ability to make her own decision, and don't force women to attend anti-choice propaganda lectures, which submit women to misleading information, the purpose of which is to discourage abortion. (huh? Misleading information such as that blob of cells is a baby?)
  5. That means that women serving our country in the military overseas would be able to afford safe abortions that can be performed in a military hospital. (once again we're paying for it)
  6. And, under our law, women who are denied their right to choose, or discriminated against will be able to go to court to enforce the law. (how about litigation against Catholic hospitals, doctors who refuse to perform abortions, and on and on)

We need to take steps to secure our right to choose. Anti-choice is anti-woman, anti-equality, and it demonstrates a lack of respect for the intelligence and compassion that women possess. It is time to write Roe v. Wade into law. Barbara Boxer, January 22, 2004




Kathleen Miller said...

Thank you so much for posting this. The facts are very clear that the OBama-Biden ticket is the party of "death".

I really enjoy your blog.

God Bless!

Frank Rega said...

after FOCA, mandatory abortion?

St. Padre Pio, Humanae Vitae, and Mandatory Abortion

St. Pio defended the controversial encyclical, praising its “lofty teachings” and “eternal truths.”

An aspect of the document often overlooked today is its grim warning that governments might “impose” contraceptive methods on citizens.

In the light of the Humanae Vitae’s other accurate predictions,
are mandatory birth control and abortion on the horizon for America?

by Frank M. Rega, S.F.O.