Saturday, October 11, 2008


Frank says:

"after FOCA, mandatory abortion?

St. Pio defended the controversial encyclical, praising its “lofty teachings” and “eternal truths.”An aspect of the document often overlooked today is its grim warning that governments might “impose” contraceptive methods on citizens. In the light of the Humanae Vitae’s other accurate predictions, are mandatory birth control and abortion on the horizon for America?"

read more: St. Padre Pio, Humanae Vitae, and Mandatory Abortion by Frank M. Rega S.F.O

Mr. Rega brings up some very interesting points. Forced abortion or mandatory birth-control might sound like something dreamed up by a conspiracy buff, but did you ever dream people would abort babies that had Down Syndrome or interfered with a vacation? I thought not...

Mr. Rega's speaking schedule

New York Post on Acorn*Oct. 11, 2008

Cleveland Plain Dealer Oct. 10, 2008 - McCain, GOP accuses Barack Obama of ties to ACORN voter fraud
To quote Father John Corapi, "Wake up America"

1 comment:

Ebeth said...

Yup!! You go girl!