Tuesday, October 14, 2008

For a dose of truth - ask a cat!


Mark D. said...

The court decision is notable. An en banc panel of the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a ruling from a 3 judge panel of that same court on the voter fraud issue. Such reversals do happen, but they are fairly rare.

Of course, the kind of voter fraud that ACORN is aleged to be orchestrating is at such a massive a scale that one judicial ruling in one appellate circuit wouldn't be enough to stop it. But it would slow it down.

Adrienne said...

Ok - help me out here. Doesn't en banc mean that there is no panel or "instead of a panel"?

Just pretend you're in a first year law class talking to the dumbest student. (keep it simple - I have a raging headache)

Hubby just heard that McCain is filing some sort of whatever (I wasn't listening that hard) having to do with ACORN but that he will not bring it up at the debate.

I can't imagine bringing that up at the debate anyway- it would consume the whole evening and Obama would just call it lies anyway.

Adrienne said...

...of yes - and through the haze of pain I must say again, "we need to keep trying to get the information out. We have power on the internet!

Mark D. said...

You are techically correct -- I used the phrase "en banc panel" because most normal people don't have any clue what en banc means.


Adrienne said...

First of all I am NOT normal but also not very smart... LOL

Thanks - I was puzzled. When I tried to explain it to my hubby, who loves to run down weird rabbit trail semantics thingys, it became very difficult. He kept insisting that all judges acted as a panel eventually. And I suppose in some sense, they do.