Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bishops, North of the Border
by David Warren
"For American Catholics who have not already embraced Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi as their political role models, I expect this will mean practicing your religion the way we do in Canada, or as the ACLU has already stipulated in the United States. That is to say, you will be welcome to parade a Catholic ethnicity, so long as you do not publicly support any Church teaching. " full article


X said...

My bishop - silent. Bishop of Calgary - he is always getting in trouble with the liberals. I pray the tide is turning and when the 55+ crowd has gone to their reward the pendulum will swing back to what is right and good and true.

Mark D. said...

Well, the fact is that most of the bishops in this country already behave like the bishops in Canada. The idea of a robust Catholic presence in the public square is pretty much a dead letter with most of the bishops. What they want is to be left alone, to be bishops (wear purple shoes, be called "your grace," eat good food) and not get sued for various and tawdry ecclesiastical malfeasances.

Unless the shepherds lead, the flock will wander.

Adrienne said...

Ummmm Angela - I'm going to be 63 in December. I know, I know - hard to believe. LOL

Mark - "eat good food" - that's what my hubby is always saying. "Don't bother me with deep questions - where's the food"