Friday, May 16, 2008

Reach Retreat


  1. Bananas purchased -check

  2. Mucho chips - check

  3. Protein bars - check

  4. Car filled and washed -check

  5. Paperwork in order - check

  6. Parish check to pay Reach - check


So here's a nice little story about humility. I was complaining to Father about some folks at church that just give me fits. My closing statement after much whining was, "what did I do to deserve this?" Father's reply? "I don't know. Should we get out a piece of paper and pencil and start a list?"

"The sufficiency of my merit is to know that my merit is not sufficient."
— St. Augustine

Be back Sunday afternoon. I'll miss you all!


Terry Nelson said...

This is going to become a classic anecdote on humility - it is great!

Mary Rose said...

Can't wait to hear what happened. Your priest's response was hilarious! (and yes, humbling...)

Now I want some bananas. :-)

Jackie Parkes MJ said...

Please update to my new blog...many thanks..

irene said...

What a beautiful old ancestor for my Airstream!

X said...

Your priest is a riot!