Saturday, May 10, 2008

Great Literary Blog
This must be my week to talk about other blogs, which is a good thing. I have been remiss in my visits to this wonderful site. Bell Literary Reflections, home to Jaimie, is a wonderful literary blog. I love to read a great variety of books and the links and reviews Jaime provides are excellent.

"Meet Your Host - An English Major
enjoys reading great literature
and the classics
long after they ceased
to be required reading." Bell Literary Reflections

Sometimes I just go into Catholic overload, particularly when some of the postings become a tad on the ugly side. A visit to Jaime always perks me up and and gets my creative juices flowing. And recommendations from folks who share your tastes in books makes trips to the library or Amazon easier.

Jaimie also maintains one of the best laid out and informative blogs I have ever visited. I am anxious to visit some of her links and spend some time investigating the Library Thing. Visit Jaimie's Library Thing site here.


Jane said...

Thank you so much Adrienne! This is very nice of you!
I know what you mean by Catholic overload. I was one of the earlier members of an online Catholic group and I had to pull out because some of them got so ugly.
It's too bad and not a good witness to our vistors.
I'm glad you enjoy Librarything and I hope you get to sign up yourself. It is such a good way to catalogue books and keep track of what you are reading.
I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day and many blessing to you!

Tom in Vegas said...

I know Jaimie's blog quite well, and visit as often as I can.