Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tagged Again
It's All About Meeeeeeee!

Mac over at Mulier Fortis tagged me days and days ago. I just managed to get our paperwork to our tax guru so I’ve reclaimed what little life I have.

The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
Each player answers the questions about themselves.
I get to tag 5 peeps and let them know via their combox.

What I was doing 10 years ago:

I have no earthly (or heavenly) clue. I can barely remember what I was doing yesterday. Since I have lived in this house about 11 years, one thing I know for sure I was probably doing was working my rear patootie off in the “yard.” We bought a house on 5 acres that looked like it had been nuked (the property - not the house, although the house was only marginally better.) There was not one tree, bush, or blade of grass. What we did buy, in abundance, was knapweed. The hugest knapweed I have ever seen. Knapweed for those who may not know is the most hated and virulent noxious weed God ever allowed on this earth. He put it here to keep us humble. I am very, very humble.

The first few years we planted over 150 trees and over 50 shrubs. We also planted 50 or 75 lilacs that we acquired by digging up starts from a vacant lot. We designed and planted a circular herb garden, a cutting garden, a veggie garden, a meditation garden and a wildflower area. We fenced in a “yard” area and planted beds there. We put in a circular drive and several acres of grass. After that I said, darn, why don’t I start a daylily nursery. So we plowed up a bunch of the grass and planted daylilies – hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of daylilies.

All this was done without benefit of big equipment. Can you say garden fork, shovel, and rake? I am truly nuts. Truly!
And guess what's sitting in my barn? You bethca! Six trees, 30 shrubs, and bags of bulbs.

5 Snacks I enjoy:
Nachos with real cheddar cheese and buried in jalapenos
Anything with lots of carbs.

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
I would build us a new church but would insist on being in complete control of the design. I would buy a tractor and hire someone to pull weeds.

Five jobs that I have had:
Ballroom dance instructor.
Cocktail waitress while in college
Car salesman

Three of my bad habits:
Being controlling, being controlling, and being controlling.
Five places I have lived:
St. Paul, Minnesota
Houston, Texas
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sedona, Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona
Post Falls, Idaho

I know that’s six but I figured I’d just include them all and in their proper order.

I tag anyone who hasn't been tagged yet. Let us know in the combox if you are playing.