Choirs of
Yesterday evening we were privileged to be able to hear some wonderful sacred music at St. Thomas Catholic Church in Coeur d’ Alene. Local artists, including several sisters who last June left the schismatic group at Mount St. Michael's in Spokane, beautifully performed the music. When fifteen of these brave ladies made the decision to come into full union with the Church they were welcomed into the Spokane Diocese and given housing at the Immaculate Heart Retreat Center. They have formed a new order of traditionalist sisters who still wear full habits.
I was privileged to have had the opportunity to get to know these ladies when I worked at the Costco on the north side of Spokane since the sisters from the Mount did most of their shopping there. Bishop Skylstad invited the Missionaries of Charity (Mother Theresa’s order), to come to Spokane with the express purpose of visiting and praying for these sisters. They named their new order the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church. Welcome home, sisters.
Concert List
Liturgical Year Sampling
I was privileged to have had the opportunity to get to know these ladies when I worked at the Costco on the north side of Spokane since the sisters from the Mount did most of their shopping there. Bishop Skylstad invited the Missionaries of Charity (Mother Theresa’s order), to come to Spokane with the express purpose of visiting and praying for these sisters. They named their new order the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church. Welcome home, sisters.
Concert List
Liturgical Year Sampling
Veni, Veni Emmanuel – found in Psalteriolum Canionum Catholicarum
Let All Mortal Flesh Deep Silence - arr. Boehnke 19th century
Puer Natus in Bethlehem - Gregorian Chant
Lo How a Rose - arr. Michael Preatorious
Gloria from Mass of the Shepherds
Jesu Dulcis Memoria - St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Jesu, Rex Admirabilis - Palestrina
Be Thou My Vision
O Sacred Head Surrounded
Adoramus Te - arr. Dubois
Haec Dies arr Orste Ravanello
This Joyful Eastertide - G.R. Woodward
Maria Magdalene - Andrea Gabrieli
Regina Coeli - arr. Antonio Lotti
Ave Maria - arr. Jaques Arcadelt
Ave Maria Victoria
Ave Maris Stella - arr. Benedictines of Einsiedeln
Sing of Mary Roland Ford Palmer
Hail O Queen of Heaven Enthroned
Veni Creator Spiritus - arr. Rabanus Maurus
Holy Spirit Lord of Light
Ave Verum - Gregorian Chant
Adoremus in Aetenum
O Sacrum Convivium
We Thee Adore - written and arr. Michael Haydn
Cor Dulce, Cor Amabile
To Praise the Heart of Jesus - written and arr. P. Griesbacher
Laudate Dominum quia benignus est - arr. C. Rossini
O Bone Jesu! - Written and arr. Palestrina
Soul of My Savior - arr. Lorenzo Dobici
Sicut Cervus - Palestrina
Tollite Hostias - arr. C. St. Saens
Crown Him with many Crown - written and arr. G.J. Elvey
Oh-my-goodness. You posted this to taunt me, didn't you? LOL!
I WISH I had been there to listen to this choir. It can go without say that this stuff is right up my alley. Did anyone video tape it for on-line viewing?
I’m so happy to hear the sisters are back home again.
That sounds like a lovely concert.
likewise, jealous.
I am playing the jealous card, also. How marvelous it must have been!!
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