A New Award
The awards are coming fast and furious, which is a very good thing. Since I am a weak and willful person with a tendency to whine, awards remind me that you like me, you really like me.
Jackie over at Mother’s Pride has a passel of brilliant daughters. The Fixer has conjured up a new award and, well, I got one.
Looks like today is going to be a great day. Thanks, Fixer!
Twelve Steps for Catholics
Page 37, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
Therefore, we who are alcoholics can consider ourselves fortunate indeed. Each of us has had his own near-fatal encounter with the juggernaut of self-will, and has suffered enough under its weight to be willing to look for something better. So it is by circumstance rather than by any virtue that we have been driven to A.A., have admitted defeat, have acquired the rudiments of faith, and now want to make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to a Higher Power.
"... my grace is sufficient for you, for my POWER is made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9)