Athanasius Contra Mundum over at 50 Days After has started a new blog called Idaho Catholic. Yours truly will be adding posts as well as Anita at V for Victory. I’d sure like to hear from some other Idaho bloggers who might like to contribute. Today’s post has to do with what your parish did to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. You don't have to be from Idaho to comment and we're kinda lonely so stop by.
Take some time and visit Charlie over at Come, let us sing to the Lord. He describes his blog as “Musings from a teenage Catholic about the liturgy, the priesthood, and the Church in North Carolina.” This 17 year old has more wisdom than most adults.
Voting begins April 1st over at the Crescat for the Cannonball Catholic Blog Awards. Stop over and pick out whom you’ll be voting for. I’m nominated in just about every category ‘cause I nominated myself. I will stoop to any level to attain attention and adulation. Carolina is also available to play tambourine at your church. We already have a tambourine player, but thanks for the offer.

Not only does my husband act as my editor (I am comma challenged), but he is also one of the best guitar, banjo, and mandolin teachers every placed on this earth. He has private students, teaches at North Idaho College, and runs a grant program called New Horizons at Holy Names Music Academy in Spokane, WA.
His company, LeWalt Publishing has been a leader in the field of instruction since 1974. The marketing of music has changed tremendously in the 30 or so years we have been married. The days of watching TV while stuffing thousands of envelopes for mass mailings are long gone. I even remember how happy we were when the printing companies became equipped to actually fold the flyers cutting down on our workload. Now folks can order arrangements which can be emailed using a unique program called TablEdit.
Technology has not caught up with the appearance of his website, however. We need the brilliance of Vincenzo to design a new front page for Harold – please!
Twelve Steps for Catholics
I laugh out loud everytime I look at the picture of the cats on part 4. That cat on the left is a perfect picture of this Italian drunk trying to control everything and everyone.
Adopt a Bowl Person
It’s never too late to adopt a bowl person. Just received a new batch of funeral cards from eBay, so my bowl is bursting with folks to pray for. Remember, these folks will pray for you, too. Just email me and let me know you’re interested in adopting a bowl person, and if you want the actual card, just include your address. Now that I’ve blown my cover by advertising for my husband, you can verify that I am not a crazy stalker chick. Well, ok Terry, crazy but not dangerous.
If you have sent me your address and have not received your card, please email me and let me know. I had a huge mailing day and it is possible some may have not been mailed out.
Update: I knew it - I just knew it! The last sentence was poorly worded and I should have changed it before posting. Mac doesn't like the pukey green background color. She's A-ok with the header. I wouldn't paint my bedroom that color, Mac, but I do think the background is easy on the eyes.
No, no, NO... I really LOVED the header... it's the background for the rest of the blog which is a nasty shade of green...
That cat on the left is my alter ego and my sponsee on the right.
I also did not struggle with the crave for drink after I truly gave up. But subconsciously, I really craved for escape from reality.
mark and anna - isn't that what we are all trying to do?? I still try to escape.
mac - all fixed. Read the update. Next time I'll listen when my little inner blogger says, "not a good sentence."
Auntie A-
I've got a follow-up for you about Harold (Yes, he's DARN good),the Bowl Persons, and a couple of other things I can't tell you about just yet. Need a few more days:0)
Tom - I LOVE secrets!
I didn't know bean counters stayed up this late:)
Go look at the video Terry just posted. Kewl!
Thanks so much for mentioning my blog!
Happy Feast of the Annunciation!
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