Special Offer
Ignatius Press is having a special offer for Homiletic and Patoral Review. Receive 11 issues for $9.95. The usual subscription price is $26.00 so this represents quite a large savings. I know that most of us keyboard happy folk do much of our reading online, but it is nice to have portable reading material. This link will take you directly to their order page.
And, no - I don't earn anything for your orders. Just thought I would pass this along.
Ignatius Press is having a special offer for Homiletic and Patoral Review. Receive 11 issues for $9.95. The usual subscription price is $26.00 so this represents quite a large savings. I know that most of us keyboard happy folk do much of our reading online, but it is nice to have portable reading material. This link will take you directly to their order page.
And, no - I don't earn anything for your orders. Just thought I would pass this along.
To quote their "about" page:
Faithful to the teachings and tradition of the Church for over a century, our readers know what to expect in each issue. Here are just some of the features of HPR:
• First-rate articles by great Catholic writers on doctrine, spiritual guidance, morality and authentic pastoral practice
• Deep insights into pressing pastoral issues of the Church's life and mission
• Stimulating homilies for Sundays and Holy Days by today's outstanding preachers
• Wise and practical answers to your questions from one of the Church's top moral theologians, Msgr. William Smith
We don't bend and sway with every passing fad. Built on the solid foundation of the Catholic Church, we espouse the timeless truths of Faith that never change
Hey, this stuff is right up my alley! Thanks for the link. Will inquire:0)
Fr. B and I were just saying yesterday what a great magazine this was - and I admitted that I had let my subscription slip a while back. Thanks for the reminder and opportunity to correct that!
Fr. V
Thank you for the heads-up! I had let my subscription lapse, like Father.
But at $9.95, it's a bargain!
You're welcome:)
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