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Request for Help
My husband and I will be on our parish's newly formed Liturgical Committee. I have a pretty good grasp of the GIRM and related documents. Here's where we need the help. Since we are certain the issue of music will come up, it would be nice to have some liturgical music experts volunteer to be available for any questions we may have. In most cases it will be no more then to steer us to the correct documents or provide us with simple song lists for beginning chant, etc.
Even though my husband is a musician, we know that liturgical music is it's own category. Now I know there are musicians out there with strong, indeed brilliant, liturgical experience. I also know that you come and visit occasionally. Please, don't make me email you and beg. I hate to beg. View this as a wonderful way to stick it to some very misled church musicians and not have to experience any of the unpleasant blowback.
Any other liturgical help, whether expert or semi-expert, would also be appreciated. It would be nice to know there were a few other folks onboard to support us as we swim the deep waters of liturgy. Let me know in the com-box or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, my email is adrienne@icehouse.net.
ahhhh, Welcome to the Good Fight. And fight it shall be, as you find it necessary to challenge old favorites that are actually trite, mediocre, and sometimes downright suspect if now outright heretical.
You must start with Musicam Sacram, which incorporates by reference the Motu Proprio of Pope Pius X (not sure about the 10th, but you'll see) - also there's a recent document released by the USCCB that seems only to talk in circles and try to make everyone happy...
The arguments I keep running up against require that I remind people that certain music might be fun to sing, but it's more appropriate for a coffeehouse setting, not the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - that certain instruments are associated with performance rather than worship and are therefore not appropriate, and that certain types of music are inappropriate either because they glorify us, the creatures, or misrepresent what is happening at Mass.
There is also, I point out with too-great frequency, the interesting dilemma of what happens psychologically, to the Faithful, when we "sing ourselves God."
Fortunately, I do not have to contend with a lot of this as our parish is small, and right now most of my foot-in-mouth conflicts are centered on the carlessness with which we appoint and utilize Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (more popularly referred to, incorrectly of course, as "Eucharistic Ministers").
I don't claim to be an expert, but at this point I suspect that even simply knowing you aren't flying solo has got to be of some help, so I am checking in.
I'll email you as I come across other things - Oh! Adoremus Journal is a superb resource.
God bless and prosper your way.
You can contact me as well. I have over 20 years of the practical exercise of coordinating Masses of all sizes. Be sure to find out what liturgical norms are legislated by your bishop, as technically he's the one in charge of the "local church" (and make sure he's the one who promulgated anything as a lot of bishops have pawned this responsibility to dweebs with vacuums for brains.)
I'm on board. But, rest assured, you will NEVER here me say, "Oh, How Great Thou Art would be great for a Communion song!"
How Great Thou Art. Music for the imbeciles.
But if your going to ask me, I hope you like Latin.
laura - yes, we know it will be a battle and we will be ready. Being Italian I am sneaky and subversive by nature and am always armed to my pits with necessary info.
You're right about the USCCB's newest document. Waffle, waffle, waffle.
Both DH and I cringe when we are faced with the "voice of God" songs.
Yes - just knowing you are out there and understand is such a great help.
AA - I'm guessing our Bishop goes the route of the "vaacum brain" folks. His guy in charge of going around "teaching" us about RCIA is a bit out in left field. I just don't trust a man who shows up to teach a seminar wearing birkinstocks.
Not to sound boastful but I'm forgotten more about my Catholic faith than this guy ever knew. He tried to tell us that we shouldn't give our RCIA people Catechisms until Mystagogia. Hello??
First we will be going after the few little things that need to be addresses re:liturgy. Then, God help us, we will be going after a Crucifix on the altar.
For the most part our pastor is very correct but I don't think he's comfortable about rocking the boat.
Music will come last and we know outside help will have to brought in. DH runs a grant program at Holy Names Music Academy where we can tap into some very smart Sisters. We also have contacts at Gonzaga Univ.
Thanks for jumping in to help. I am really dreading this but we can't very well just sit around and bitch and then do nothing when called.
Dear nephew Tom - I knew I could count on you.
I just don't trust a man who shows up to teach a seminar wearing birkinstocks.
One of the best teachers I knew wore these. Of course, he was of a mendicant order (Dominican so iy was part of his habit. He diid wear black shoes to go with the "dress blacks" suit when he preached in locals where thhe habit was "too much", like interfaith services...
I will be no help on this one I'm afraid!
I just came to say you I'm so sorry - and consider yourself officially a 'Wonderful Woman of the Web'!!
Just that when you didn't pick up the last award I gave you, I thought you weren't an awards kind of person!
Anyway, I got a new one yesterday, and as soon as it goes up you are first in line!
Am I forgiven??
MOTL - See, I always tell my husband whining will get you anything.
I missed an award???????? Oh my gosh, how did that happen? I'm crushed, again.
Will pick up this one this afternoon. On my way to run errands.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Is Tom REALLY your nephew?
Terry - Tom is my "cyber-nephew". Don't ask me how - it just happened. We grew on each other.
You have a nice nephew.
I also love the photo of the cat.
I love my nephew (now that I've beat a bit of the bean counter out of him:)
The cat picture started the whole darn post. It fit.
Auntie A-
I'm still a bean counter at heart. I'm just simply learning how to suppress the tendancy:0)
But you never know when it might resurface. LOL!
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