Say Hello to Andrew, Riley, and Ted
While wandering around the blogosphere, I happened upon these fine young men studying to be priests. You can visit them at their blog In Umbris Sancti Petri. Since I was so impressed with these “whippersnappers” (at my age everyone is a whippersnapper), I decided to give them a bit of an introduction.
From their Profiles:
Andrew Hines is a Roman Catholic seminarian studying for the Diocese of Toledo in America. Currently, he is assigned to theological studies at the Pontificià Università Gregoriana and is living at the Pontifical North American College in Rome.
Ted Martin - I am a seminarian for the Diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan. I am currently assigned to the North American College in Rome for theological studies at the Gregorian University
Riley Williams - Fall River, MA
From their Profiles:
Andrew Hines is a Roman Catholic seminarian studying for the Diocese of Toledo in America. Currently, he is assigned to theological studies at the Pontificià Università Gregoriana and is living at the Pontifical North American College in Rome.
Ted Martin - I am a seminarian for the Diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan. I am currently assigned to the North American College in Rome for theological studies at the Gregorian University
Riley Williams - Fall River, MA
Now, we don’t know much about this Riley feller so maybe when he has time he will tell us a bit more about himself. I spent some time on the official North American College website and it is clear they are having waaaaay too much fun. Not wanting them to have too much time on their hands, thereby increasing the possibility of them getting into mischief, I suggest that we fill up their combox with insightful and pertinent comments.
Adriene, I suspect that you're a young whipper-snapper to me...
AA --- No, no, no. I'm getting my first SS check in just a few weeks. All I ask is for a few of my virtual friends to be of an age that doesn't qualify them to be my kids or grandkids.
you see, adrienne, most people writing blogs are a lot younger than some of us.
most of our peers don't think they have anything to say to these whipper-snappers.
so we are an anomaly.
Hey, I tagged you for an award.
Hey, we decided I was too old to be your kid (unless, of course, you were promiscuous when very young. :-D I think Tara is also canonically old enough to be a housekeeper too and ... a-hem ... digi....
Thank you for this blog. I am a life long Catholic and I feel that there is so much that I don't know. I'm 32 and I will admit, I do not know how to pray the rosary without a guide.
I'll check them out--well let me re-pharse that, I'll go to their blog site and say Hi--and then I'll pray for them to be good and Holy Priests!
And Karen, I am old--51 years--sheesh, of course everyone schmoozes me and tells me I look like I'm in my 30's. Good!
Nice of you to bring these two fellows to our attention. I, too, came close to entering the seminary, but I had a change of heart at the last minute. Vicariously (once I start visiting their blog regularly) I might know what it might have been like if I had stayed the coarse.
thanks for coming by Adrienne, and the well wishes :-) I've added you to my blog rolls to read!
Ha-Ha, Tara. I'm 51 too. It even says so on my DL. I think you may have me by a few months but not many. My b'day was Sept of 56.
Adrienne, when do you turn 65? My friend Jim turns 65 on the 26th of Feb.
Oh, wait, NO.. you DID just have a b'day. I remember you missed being a "boomer" by a few minutes....
NO, NO, NO!!!! I just turned 62. You can get SS at 62.
Don't make me any older than I already am.
I led the charge of the baby boomers. I was the one running in front of them in my diapers with my martini and cigarette.
Emily - I used to know all the decades of the rosary by heart. Now, I just read my little pamphlet. My motto is "Git 'er done"
Tara - dirty old lady that I am I would like to check them out!
Emily - Tom in Vegas is a bean counter, too. And, ta do, he's 35 and single!!
Thanks, I'll have to check out their blogs.
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