Monday, July 5, 2010

Your Snark for the Day...

The Obama's celebrate Independence Day while they (and their puppet-masters) do everything in their power to destroy America.  

  1. Mouth hanging open - check
  2. Multiple cheap bracelets - check
  3. Arms hanging out - check
  4. Angry eyebrows - check
  5. Back-fat exposed - check
  6. Poor posture - check
  7. Boob belt - whoops! She forgot her boob belt but did manage to wear a top that resembles my grandma's apron
Whooee - I can't wait for MOTUS and Newsbird to get a hold of this...

Wait, wait - MOTUS is up with her take on the days activities and many more pictures.   Beat by 13 minutes..

Calling Newsbird...


  1. Happy Independence Day, Adrienne.
    This harpie is an embarrassment to America...she cheapens the holiday just by showing up! You called it very well.

  2. The shirt (or whatever it's called) makes her look pregnant. That's the biggest putdown this mere man knows how to sling.

  3. You're right, the shirt looks like an apron. Sorry, but doesn't she have "attendants" to help dress her and dress her hair? Come lady!
