Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What is an Electronic Cigarette?

The Electronic Cigarette or electric cigarette or e-cigarette is a relatively simple piece of technology that creates vapor by slightly heating a mixture of proplyene glycol, glycerin, water, flavoring and nicotine (nicotine free e-liquid is available) until it vaporizes. This vapor acts much like tobacco smoke, allowing long time smokers an alternative that can be inhaled and exhaled like traditional smoking without causing any odor or other unpleasantness. 

My husband and I have been life-long smokers.  We have tried everything (patches, gum, lozenges, and meds) to quit.  The only thing we hadn't tried was hypnotism.  Nothing worked.  Nothing.  Until now...

We have been using e-cigs for close to 8 weeks.  Never once have we desired a "real" cigarette.  As a matter of fact the thought of a really smelly and messy cigarette is rather repulsive.  Our current level of nicotine is "low" which is about 2mg and we both find ourselves using our e-cig less and less.  The FDA (those bastions of crappy consumer protection), are in a complete snit over e-cigs and have made it illegal to advertise them as a help in smoking cessation.  They would much prefer you spend gobs of money on patches and gum that have a dismal record of success.  Or better yet - how about "real" cigarettes with a gazillion dollars of tax being added to the cost and the ability to kill you. 

If you are a smoker, I urge you to investigate e-cigs.  The company below has given me outstanding service and their prices are about the best I've found.  We are using the Vapor King but one of their other models might suit your needs better so check out the entire site.

Oh yeah - did I mention the hundreds and hundreds of dollars we've saved over the past weeks?  We just put an additional $500.00 into savings. 

Click the ad for more info:


  1. This is banned in Canada. How i wish it was legal here, i want to break this habit

  2. Everyone I know who has tried them have raved about their success. I wish they had them when I quit smoking years ago. I was a two pack a day smoker and quit cold turkey. I thought I was gonna die! In fact, just yesterday I was craving a cigarette...more than 20 years after quitting! I won't light up again, but I had no idea that the addiction would be so strong. For now, prayer helps...I guess that's my "G-cig" (God cig). ;-)

  3. Electronic Cigarettes produces a Vapour mist that is completely Satisfying to the Smoker in every way that a conventional cigarette is. What's more because e-cigarettes technology the user can enjoy Electronic Cigarettes anytime, anywhere.Buy electronic cigarette as it is absent the thousands of chemicals toxins,carcinogens and cancer causing agents typically found in traditional tobacco cigarettes. E-Cigarettes the safer choice to alternative smoking.

  4. they do stink though

    had a pt's mom using one in the hospital room

    ackkk. stunk up the whole part of the floor!!
    bout made me gag.

    it's different from a cigarette smell, but to say there isn't a smell is false...there just isn't to the SMOKER....
