Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ten Buck Friday - We have a winner for this week...

Van Irion
Republican for Tennessee's 3rd Congressional District

Remember:  All donations of whatever amount you can comfortably manage is made directly on the winner's website.

Early voting in the GOP primary starts in Tennessee today, and the election is on August 5. Van Irion needs your help for expensive advertising, so please rally behind our weekly TBF winner and give generously on this Ten Buck Friday:

Van Irion's donation page

Indicate on the form that it is a Ten Buck Friday donation...

From his website:

Why I Call Myself a Constitutionalist

My core philosophy is that our founders got it right more than 200 years ago when they established the Constitution to protect our God given rights by limiting government. They understood that “government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one.” (Thomas Paine) Unfortunately, the Federal government has repeatedly involved itself in issues in which it has no Constitutional authority and has become intolerable. While claiming this or the other act will “solve the problem”, they have done the opposite and complicated the issues. By bailing out failing companies, they reward unethical and unwise behavior while punishing the innocent and prolonging economic recovery. By setting up “one program fits all” standards for our children, they are leaving more students “left behind” than ever before. By over regulating the health care system, they have increased inflation adjusted health care costs 4x in just the last 40 years. These are just a few examples of government being the problem, not the solution.
Decades of history tell us that increasing government involvement, and therefore taxes, strangles the economy, yet both sides of the aisle continue to offer another “program” to save us from the “crisis of the day.” NO, that is not the answer. The answer is to get the government out of the way and let Americans do what we do best! The history of America shows that capitalism and liberty created the greatest standard of living of any nation in earth’s history. In order to recover our economy and our jobs, we must go back to what made us great – individual liberty and capitalism.
This election will be a historic opportunity to retake our government from the career politicians and power brokers who believe they know better how we should live our lives than we do. If you agree that Washington is doing a good job running your life, I am not your candidate. If, however, you want an advocate in Washington saying NO to every unconstitutional bill that is proposed, then I am your candidate. If you want an advocate in Washington that will articulate what the Constitution says and why it must be followed, both morally and economically, then I am your candidate. If you want an advocate in Washington that will fight day and night to dismantle the monster that our Federal government has become, then I am your candidate.
I am passionate about liberty. I am passionate about our country and its future. I am passionate about restoring Constitutional limits on government. This is who I am, who I have always been, and who I will continue to be in Washington.

Van is a Christian, married 14 years, has two young daughters and lives in Dandridge, TN in the 3rd District. He is a patent and constitutional attorney with his own law firm, Law Office of Van R Irion PLLC. His practice includes patents, business transactions, contract disputes, civil litigation, and constitutional law. He is veteran of Operation Desert Shield, serving in the US Air Force as an Air Traffic Controller. He has a Biochemistry degree from the University of California and a Law Degree from McGeorge School of Law. He formerly founded a biotech company to research treatments for stroke and acute injury and served for many years as a volunteer fire fighter and EMT. Van currently is currently seeking to serve the public again as the U.S. Congressman for Tennessee’s 3rd District.
Irion is pronounced “ear-ee-on”

In Case you Missed It:


  1. All right... another successful week is upon us, and this is linked at Reaganite Republican today:

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing TBF with your readers! If you're not already a member, please join the TBF Facebook page at!/pages/Ten-Buck-Fridays/125921890769360?ref=ts Thanks again!

  3. Shoot...I moved on before I realized I had to do a word verification!

    Sorry for the OT but wanted you to know that all is well with NP, he contacted me today. I put a note up on my blog. :-)
