Monday, July 12, 2010

Some linky-love and a computer problem or "why my day is circling the drain"

So I had this awesome post almost done and opened a website to get a quote, and bingo - my computer logs off.  When it restarted everything was gone (but at least the computer was still running). 

My level of computer literacy is about the same as my car smarts.  I expect to hit the "on" button or turn a key and have things work.  The "how-it-happens" are not important to me.

After eating breakfast, I ran system restore which claimed it couldn't help me, so sorry.

But... after re-booting for system restore, as if by magic, everything was back.  Everything except my exceptional post;  a post of such wonderful rantiness - so positively dripping with venom and spite that I am confident it would qualify for The Daley Gator's rant of the day. 

The wonderful links were still here, and so I will just post those.   I do subscribe to Carbonite and was not overly worried, but it did throw a crimp in my schedule. I will mull over what I had written while going about my outside duties (it's already 11:00 am) and will be back later.

And the quote that started it all??

Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.
Saint Augustine

Hmmmmmmm.  I'm sure there's a message for me here...

Meantime, read the fine posts below and let me know if you can find the common theme.

 Reaganite Republican: Desperate Obama Panders to the Far-Left as the Rest of the Country Abandons Him-

Pundette:  How Obama got elected

 The Blog Prof:  Obama hiding Annual Report on Social Security/Medicare to hide impact of ObamaCare

No Sheeples Here:  Giving Lame Ducks A Bad Name

 Stacy McCain:  Rachel Maddow and the Politics of Stupid

Nice Deb:  Finally! 2 Years Too Late, “We Will Not Be Silenced” Documentary Of Obama Campaign’s Voter Fraud and Intimidation in ’08 Given Airtime On Fox

Ruby Slippers:  Documentary Charges Obama Stole Nomination From Hillary

 The Camp of the Saints  They Just Don’t Get It: Bob Inglis

The Plantation Nation: The Banks, The Government, The MSM – It’s All The Same


  1. Bumnmer! I've had that happen a few times, myself.

  2. When my computer goes off all of a sudden, you can be sure a little boy just pushed the glowing blue button!

    Maybe the devil was intercepting your post.

  3. deb - it was rather annoying (to say the least)

  4. republicanmom - the thought crossed my mind that the Evil One didn't want that righteous rant to be published.

  5. Hi Adrienne. It's horrid when computer problems happen.
    I love all the kitteh LOL's you put to illustrate the problem, too cute.

    I hope the week is less frustrating for you.

  6. Bunni - Absolutely no one does cute like you do. I always look forward to your posts.
