Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shirly Sherrod story a waste of time, a distraction, and chilling. Some important links

Let's keep this Shirley comment short...

 I don't want to devote much time to this whole Shirley Sherrod thingy.  When it first started showing up on what appeared to be every blog, my first reaction was, "so what."  I didn't even bother to watch the video because I could care less what Shirley Sherrod said, did, or thinks.   It was nothing more than a distraction and a boring one at that.

My second reaction was, "sure are lots of people losing their jobs and being vilified for things they've said."  Makes one almost afraid to speak for fear of making a mistake or "offeeeeeending" someone.  I support Shirley's right to be as racist as she wants as long as she does her job (and by some reports she did a pretty good job at helping white farmers.)

Now everyone is jumping around apologizing to poor Shirley.  More time wasted and more distraction.   And that's all I have on that subject. Let's move on to more important matters.

 From the Combox:

 Subvet had this to say about my post from yesterday:
The term "ruling class" seems to ignore the fact that John & Joan Q. Public put those fools into power.

Whether done intentionally or by reason of apathy, We The People are ultimately responsible for the way things are. We need to become more politically active, right down to the local school board level.

Being active is how the more liberally inclined amongst us got into power. THEY weren't sitting on their butts, letting the country run on AUTO.

We're either a part of the solution or a part of the problem. If there is a "ruling class" it exists solely due to our allowing it.
Well said, Sub...

I've gathered up what IMO are some important articles for you to read and think about.

The Economic Collapse has a rather detailed article that would be well worth your time to peruse.  Honestly - when I first read the beginning of this article I thought for a moment I wrote it...

One Economic Chart That You Should Permanently Burn Into Your Memory

Today most Americans are completely obsessed with the silliest of things.  They wonder how Lindsay Lohan is going to fare in jail and they agonize over who LeBron James is going to play basketball for.  But when it comes to the things that really matter, most Americans are completely clueless.  For example, while most Americans would agree that we are experiencing difficult economic times right now, most of them would also argue that our economic system is in fundamentally good shape and that things will get back to "normal" at some point.  Those of us who are trying to warn America of the impending economic nightmare are dismissed as "doom and gloomers" and "conspiracy theorists".  But of course, as with so many things, the passage of time will tell who was right and who was wrong.  Below there is a chart that I want all of you to burn into your memory.  It is a chart of total U.S. debt as a percentage of GDP from 1870 until 2009.  This chart clearly and succinctly communicates the horror of the debt bubble that we are currently dealing with.  When this debt bubble pops, it is going to make the Great Depression look like a Sunday picnic. read the rest

From Neithercorp  Press via InfoWars.  It was easier to read the reprint on InfoWars than on Neithercorp.  It appears Neithercorp is using a substitute site due to hackers and the background and such made reading difficult.

Economic Meltdown: The Final Phase
by Giordano Bruno
[...] It is difficult to write about economic indicators of collapse for many reasons, but the primary issue is one of relativity. Most Americans alive today have never suffered through an extended depression and few if any have ever witnessed a full fledged meltdown of a country’s finance and infrastructure. Therefore, many people in this country have no point of reference with which to compare and contrast the events of the new millennium. The unfortunate reality is, when a society enjoys an extended period of affluence, they often become conditioned to take prosperity for granted. They become unable or unwilling to interpret warning signs of a collapse until the event is already near its end, and they have lost everything. read the rest

From Spero News:

Obama and the Warfare/Welfare State

Most people in America associate the Democratic Party with spending on welfare programs and the Republican Party with spending on warfare. Until reading Niall Ferguson’s brilliant The Ascent of Money, I never realized that welfare and warfare have gone hand in hand for over a century. The immortal German warmonger Otto von Bismarck was the first politician to introduce social insurance legislation in the 1880s.
His reasoning was not strictly humanitarian. According to Bismarck, “A man who has a pension for his old age is much easier to deal with than a man without that prospect.” read the rest
From Creative Minority Report:

When Common Sense Isn't Common

What with oil gushing and charges of tea-party racism accumulating like cuss words on Oksana Grigorieva's voice mail, it is almost easy to forget that we are witnessing the most massive expansion of governmental power in our nation's history.

Just in the past few months we have seen the government take over health-care and grant itself enormous power over the financial industry and any business associated with the financial industry (read-everything). Chances are that cap-and-trade will be passed next -- even if it takes a lame duck congress to do it. click on title for entire article


American Thinker:  America's Fast Track to the Third World

On Health Care:

Maggie's Notebook:   Dr. Fred Shessel: Obama Lied about Rationing, Socialism
Lonely Conservative:  Why Are Republicans Afraid to Criticize the First Lady?

American Thinker:  Government by Diktat

Amusing Bunni (who has a brand new header thanks to her friend Obie who blogs at Woodsterman) has a rather disturbing (but important)  post on Chicago run amok.  I took the time to investigate many of the links and the picture presented was not pretty.

Chicago Descends into Anarchy, Abandon ALL hope who enter here

Chicago is beyond all hope and redemption.  The criminal element gang bangers have declared OPEN SEASON on the Police in uniform!! They are targeting brave Police Officers, in broad daylight.  They have no respect for authority or fear of being  punished for their crimes.  click on title to read the entire article

Life Philosophy 

 When I owned a beauty salon in Sedona, AZ my favorite saying was "who gives a sh*t" in response to the endless chatter of the people seated in our chairs while we attempted, against all odds, to make their hair look like the current reigning movie star (can you say Farrah?), while the reality was they didn't just want their hair to look like the star - they wanted to look like the star, and that just wasn't going to happen. No way, no how!

I said that little phrase so often in the back room that my co-workers had a charm made that actually said "who gives a sh*t."   Really!  I still have it and will post a picture of it some day.  Anyhoo, I wore this on a chain that placed the sort of hieroglyphic appearing charm at eye level of the victim in the chair.  NOT ONCE did anyone ever stop their endless chatter long enough to read "who gives a sh*t."  And that sums up my philosophy of life.

The following post  from The Plantation Nation says is well...

Conclusion: Most People Are Flat Out Dumb As A Doornail

There are so many other links that I don't have time for right now.  I must head out and get a bit of work done before my two hours of torture at the dentist.  Can you say "root plane?" 



  1. Hi Adrienne: Thanks for posting my latest. It is just insane what's going on over here, and I'm glad you checked out my links. I never post ANYTHING that I don't believe in 1,000%, and you count on those 2 blog, plus all my blogroll for telling it like it is, just like me.

    You are sadly correct. People are dolts. I took a quiz about current events and got all 11 ?'s correct - that is 5% of the population. Probably all the ppl that read our blogs.

    I hope your dental torture is done soon. God Bless.

  2. I haven't read them all, but stopped briefly to say that these articles are EXACTLY what I am "preaching" to everyone who'll listen. If people don't realize the news media is being manipulated, and the trickle down effect is in good working order, I don't know how the hell we're going to get it turned around. I so loved the comment about the liberalists "were not" sitting around on their butts .. ahh, so wise, little grasshoppa!

    I keep telling everyone that they must become more active. How can we get the complacent Christian America awake and out of bed??? Truly worrisome and troubling.

    Thank you, Adrienne, for giving me a place to keep up with what has become an armpit of America (no pun, just truth!).

    Abbey ♥
