Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Obama to Bypass Senate to Name Health Official. So What Else is New?

The New York Times reports that Obama, in his usual sneaky way, will appoint  Dr. Donald M. Berwick to run Medicare and Medicaid.  This is a man who thinks the medical system in Great Britain is the bee's knees and medical rationing is the solution to all our problems.
In two decades as a professor of health policy and as a prolific writer, Dr. Berwick has championed the interests of patients and consumers. At the same time, he has spoken of the need to ration health care and cap spending, has supported efforts to “reduce the total supply of high-technology medical and surgical care” and has expressed great admiration for the British health care system. 

via: Memeorandum 


The Massachusetts Health-Care 'Train Wreck'

The future of ObamaCare is unfolding here: runaway spending, price controls, even limits on care and medical licensing.  read the rest

H/T Memeorandum 


  1. I have some respect for Romneys' competence and patriotism, be he doesn't have a snowball's chance in 2012 until he apologizes for the mistake of RomneyCare.

    I don't think I would vote for any Republican who won't vow to repeal ObamaCare... that's got to go.

  2. We had universal healthcare in Tennessee and it destroyed our budget. The amount of fraud is something that the eggheads didn't anticipate. We don't need to be told what happens when the government is paying for everyone's health care.

  3. RR - I don't like Romney because he's part of that "old crowd" that have been around forever. If I had my druthers I would like to see a Paul Ryan/Jim DeMint ticket.

  4. republicanmother - My brother-in-law lives in Goodletsville so we've gotten an earful about Tenncare.
