Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hump Day Humor and I Can Sure Use Some. How about you? Plus Bacon Spam and Sauerkraut Hot Dogs. Life is Good!

A Hot Dog Kind of Day
Today started off in a rather normal fashion.  Until I checked my bank account before heading outside to start my chores.  I discovered an unauthorized debit to my account for SIX HUNDRED AND SIX DOLLARS and some odd cents.  It was from some cell phone company in the UK.  I called the bank and they started the "dispute of charge" paperwork for me to sign, shut off my debit card, and told me to head over and sign the papers.

Having accomplished that task I checked my statcounter upon returning home.  In the course of about 30 minutes I had an additional four thousand hits.  Since I am not exactly at the level of The Other McCain or Instapundit, further investigation revealed that it was all coming from the same IP address at the rate of about 8 or so per second.  I looked up the ISP and called them in Illinois and asked what the heck was going on.  They checked the IP address but, of course, would not give me info.  Their tech guy suggested I add a captcha to my messages (which I hated having to do)  because he was worried it was a spybot. 

He asked me to send as much info as I could and he would confer with his higher ups and would check further into what was occurring.  "Well", says I, "if it is a spybot being run through your ISP company what are you going to do."  He assured me the user would be toast.

I headed off to the statcounter forum to see if anyone else had such a thing going of and, BANG - the power went off.  WTH???  Fine!  It is now pushing 4:00pm and I have accomplished nothing.  NOTHING!!

It is now almost 8:00pm and I keep reminding myself of what my hubby always says when I complain about a really bad day:

"Dear, this is not a really bad day.  A really bad day would be getting your legs cut off or some such thing.  This is just life."
Well, fine then!  I'm going to go have a hot dog with sauerkraut, sweet relish, and mustard and count my blessings.


I could have another fried Spam w/Bacon sandwich.  Slice it thin, fry it crisp, sour dough white bread, lots-o-mayo, and heaped high with fresh from the garden butter lettuce. 

I almost forgot Hump Day Humor at The Reaganite Republican.  Silly me!!

And while you're out and about, check out the best linky-love I've ever seen at the Mind Numbed Robot.  Remind Robo that he owes me a prize - a shiny prize!


  1. Ok..I was with you until the spam sandwich, that kinda grossed me out.

    I have no idea what a spybot is or what it does to your blog. Is it kinda like what an Obot does to your country?

    Tomorrow will be a better day. :-)

  2. $666.00 ? ;)

    You know who took your money. Poor girl!
    Prayers for you today.

  3. Every ten or fifteen years, I get the notion in my head that maybe Spam isn't so bad; that maybe my memory is flawed; Spam really could be quite good after all. So I buy a can and ... discover that no, my memory isn't flawed -- the stuff is nasty. I'm with you on the hot dog and kraut, though.

    Sorry to hear about your difficulties!

  4. Hi Adrienne. That is SO awful your bank account and computer were attacked in that way. This is precisely why I DON"T TRUST DEBIT cards!
    The banks are all hot to foist them on us, but when things like this happen, the MONEY IS TAKEN FROM YOU! Just a thought, but I would cancel that debit card. I just use credit cards....if some security breach happens, you are not on the hook as much. I hope it gets sorted out.

    I like your hubby's perspective! It's very true. I hope today is better for you, and Robot did do a wonderful linky love post, the best ever, I'm happy you were in it. Now I will check out the laughs, cause I need some.

  5. Mary Ellen - great description of a spybot! Perfect...

  6. Belinda - not quite 666 but close enough to fool the natives...

  7. Bunni - I think the debit card, which is a Visa, pretty much works like a straight credit card as far as getting my money back.

    However - it does rely on putting money back rather than not paying a bill. Ok - I'm not doing well here with the explanation but I think you get my point. Gone is gone - but will undoubtedly be back...

  8. Austringer - It's all in the preparation. Sliced paper thin and fried really crispy, which if eaten alone would be horrible. Ah - but add the mayo and lots of sweet crispy lettuce and you have an explosion of wonderful sensations that must be experienced on a routine basis - about once per year!

  9. Ok, Ok, based on your recommendation (I have great respect for your taste, both in decorating and decorating --- let's see if it extends to culinary matters) I will give it a try. After all, it's been about 15 years since my last try, so maybe it's time.

  10. HeeHee you're funny. See my abundant, unlimited blog: wacky, tacky, backed by God - not to mention a lil' efficacious avant-garde'ness thrown in. You'd love it if you're as nuts as I am about Heaven. So, why don’tcha meet me Upstairs where we can play ThumbWars while we wait for our beer??? God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL

  11. I hope you are having a blessed week, Adrienne

    And man I love ballpark dogs with the kraut and all, them are good eatin!

    But got to have that brown mustard...
