Monday, July 12, 2010

How much did it cost us to send Michelle Obama to Florida to eat ice cream?

I don't know the exact figure for firing up one of those big 'ol jets, pack up a bunch of secret service agents, and probably send another transport plane with her limo, but I know it's not pocket change.  Her mission?  To tell people they should vacation in the gulf region because, after all, not all the beaches are gloppy messes.

Well then - tell me why her and her dead-beat husband will be vacationing in Maine.  Anyone?  And while you're explaining that, how about telling me why they need another vacation?   How many vacations will the out-of-work oil workers be taking this year?

Yep - here's our Michelle...
  • mouth open - check
  • angry eyebrows - check
  • a thumbs up 'cause that's what all adult women of class do - check
  •  arms hanging out - check
  • really ugly wig - check
  • tacky huge hoop earrings - check
  • half an arm full of bangle bracelets - check

All those that didn't vote for my husband, please raise your hands so I can publicly humiliate you by reminding you that "we won"...

 Hmmmm - her mission is to save our fat behinds by restricting what we should be able to eat.  And yet, in every picture of her and Obama they are stuffing some greasy or sugary food into their mouths.  People of real class would never allow themselves to be routinely photographed in such piggish postures.  No more ice cream for thee and me.   We must save it for Michelle. 

Michelle enjoying  ice cream at The Pink Pelican Ice Cream Bar, soon to be renamed "The Pink Pelicans are Now Black But the Ice Cream is Still Good Bar."


  1. A local ice cream shop posted a photo of BO and MO eating ice cream (this is in Canada so why would they post a photo of an American president? - would an American ice cream shop post a pic of Prime Minister Harper of Canada??) I have now boycotted the shop.

  2. Angela - Did they think it would sell more ice cream? Honestly - I wouldn't recognize Prime Minister Harper if he was sitting next to me at an ice cream shop (which is really pretty stupid of me so don't tell anyone.)

  3. Adri - yes, I think they did think it would boost sales! PM Harper has squinty eyes and hair like Mod Hair Ken - however he is the closest thing we have to a pro-life leader so I am OK with him.

  4. The king was in his counting house,
    Counting all his money,
    The Queen was in the parlor,
    Eating bread and honey . . .

  5. All those that didn't vote for my husband, please raise your hands so I can publicly humiliate you by reminding you that "we won"...

    ....just like Frankin did!

  6. Can I call her Blackie O ?

  7. Angela - NO,NO,NO! No oblique references to one of the most elegant women ever...

  8. Don't forget, Lady M did plug the damn hole! So, now we can finally rest and go on vacation!

    Worth every penny.

  9. Why are you so filled with HATE? And take great pleasure in your Hate. Very impressive. It must be wonderful living your life so filled with hate.
